Current Projects

Bus Shelter Replacement Project

The NVCOG and the Valley Transit District are working with a team to design and build bus shelters to address the current lack of accommodations. This project aims to improve public transit facilities in lower valley municipalities.

Complete Streets Guidebook

The NVCOG Complete Streets Guidebook outlines evidence-based interventions for making streets safer, more vibrant community spaces. The guidebook is a resource for elected officials and public works staff working to transform streets in the NVCOG region into vital, safe community spaces that accommodate all residents.
Derby Shelton Bridge design

Derby-Shelton Bridge Pedestrian and Bicyclist Enhancements

Construction is underway and expected to continue through the 2024 construction season due to the extensive amount of utility relocations that are a necessary part of the bridge rehabilitation work.

Interstate 84/Route 8 New Mix

The Mixmaster, the interchange of Interstate 84 and Connecticut Route 8 in Waterbury, is undergoing work to extend its life for 25 years. A more permanent solution is being planned by the CTDOT and HNTB Corporation, with public engagement encouraged.
Map thumbnail for NVEE app

NVCOG Equity Explorer

The NVCOG Equity Explorer is a unified platform for tracking socioeconomic and environmental indicators to ensure that fairness, justice, and sustainability remain essential components in all decision-making processes.

Route 34 Main Street Derby Reconstruction

Main Street in Derby will be reconstructed between Bridge Street and Route 8. The construction is expected to continue through 2024 and be completed in Fall 2024.

Route 67 Seymour – Spot Improvements

The design of the project has been completed to improve Route 67 from the west end of the Klarides Village retail development extending easterly along Bank Street to the eastern side of the bridge over the Naugatuck River. The project will proceed to construction in the Spring of 2024.

Route 8 Design/Build

The Route 8 Design Build project will bring the section of roadway from Exit 13 in Shelton to Exit 22 in Seymour up to modern highway standards and make it safer for motorists. The work is expected to start in the summer of 2023 and finish by the end of 2024.

Transportation Guide to the Greater Naugatuck Valley Region

Explore the Transportation Guide to the Greater Naugatuck Valley, a comprehensive resource offering valuable information on routes, schedules, and facilities.

VMT Reduction Strategy

A common measure of transportation system performance is vehicle miles traveled (VMT), which looks at the total number of miles driven by personal cars across a given area. A reduction in VMT typically yields benefits for congestion, air quality, and can help reduce costs for drivers.

Transportation Planning Studies

Active Transportation Plan

The NVCOG is developing the Active Transportation Plan to enhance walking, rolling, and cycling and to advance mobility equity in the Naugatuck Valley Region. Take the survey today!

Design of Naugatuck River Greenway Trail Gap Sections

The Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization was awarded funds from the US Department of Transportation under its RAISE discretionary grant program. The project will complete the environmental assessment and design plans for sections of the Naugatuck River Greenway Trail.

Middlebury Route 64 Corridor Study

The NVCOG), Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Town of Middlebury, Connecticut, are conducting an assessment of safety along Route 64 in Middlebury, with a focus on enhancing pedestrian and bicyclist connections and access throughout the corridor. 

Regional Vision Zero Action Plan

The NVCOG is developing a Regional Vision Zero Action Plan to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating fatalities and serious injury crashes.

Route 8 & Waterbury Branch Line Corridor/Alternative Modes Study

The Route 8 & Waterbury Branch Line Corridor/Alternative Modes Study examined the viability of alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles, offering insights into options for alleviating congestion and enhancing mobility across Route 8 and Waterbury Branch Line corridors.

Waterbury Residential Street Traffic Calming Study

The NVCOG is developing a proposed comprehensive strategy for implementing residential street traffic calming interventions in the City of Waterbury. Through crafting a sample policy and guidebook, the NVCOG will outline how the city may best address road safety concerns and respond to resident requests.

Wolcott – Scoville Trail Extension Routing Study

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments is conducting a study in support of the Town of Wolcott’s proposal to connect the Woodtick Recreation Area and Scoville Trail to the Mattatuck Trail in the north.

Woodbury Route 6 Corridor Study

The NVCOG, CTDOT, the Town of Woodbury, and the Federal Highway Administration, are conducting a corridor study along US Route 6 through Woodbury to address safety and traffic flow concerns for improved pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-user accessibility.