The Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) is a committee hosted by NVCOG who are working together to meet the collective redevelopment challenges that brownfields present in the region. 

The RBP grew out of the Naugatuck Valley Brownfields Pilot program established by an EPA grant in 1996. Over 20 years later, it has expanded to encompass 25 cities and towns in west-central Connecticut. The RBP is geographically diverse, representing a collection of historic downtowns, neighborhood centers, and surrounding suburban and rural communities extending north to south from Winsted to Shelton and west to east from Newtown to Berlin.

RBP Membership 

The RBP is made up of Municipal Member representatives and community partners who are invested in transforming brownfields into community assets. The RBP functions by collecting annual membership dues from its municipal members; in turn NVCOG staff provides municipal members with access to federal and state brownfields subgrants and loans, as well as guidance and expertise on how to navigate the environmental assessment, remediation and cleanup process.  


  • Access to low interest loans and sub-grants to fund brownfields assessment or cleanup projects.  
  • Technical assistance including initial site investigations and project management support. 
  • Access to other members in the region to learn best practices of brownfield assessment and remediation.  
  • Assistance in accessing other state, federal and philanthropic resources

Member Municipalities

  • Ansonia
  • Beacon Falls
  • Berlin
  • Bristol
  • Burlington
  • Cheshire
  • Derby
  • Middlebury
  • Naugatuck
  • Newtown
  • Plainville
  • Plymouth
  • Prospect
  • Redding
  • Seymour
  • Shelton
  • Southbury
  • Southington
  • Thomaston
  • Torrington
  • Waterbury
  • Watertown
  • Winchester
  • Wolcott
  • Woodbury
Unlocking Brownfields 

Explore the diverse offerings within the Regional Brownfield Partnership (RBP) by clicking the tabs below. From technical assistance for municipal members to insights on non-municipal participation and the role of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee, delve into the full potential of the program.

NVCOG brownfields staff can provide technical assistance to RBP Member Municipalities conducting environmental planning, assessment, and remediation projects. At the request of the Chief-Elected Official of an RBP communitythe NVCOG brownfield team can assist with a variety of technical assistance including: 

Initial Site Investigations: Upon request, NVCOG staff can assist with researching and reviewing past environmental assessments conducted on the sitesite ownership, historical use, current use, history of transfer, water resources on or adjacent the site, in addition to reviewing files available through CT DEEP and meeting with local Chief Elected Officials and staff. 

Additional servicesIf a municipality wishes to explore opportunities for redevelopment and the site is a strong candidate for investment, additional technical assistance including preparation of grant applications, preparation of liability relief applications, project management and strategy development may be offered as part of a grant or for a fee with services provided on an as-needed basis.   

NVCOG has been steadily expanding non-municipal membership. Currently, some non-municipal members include the Housatonic Valley Association, the Naugatuck Valley Project, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Waterbury Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Central CT Chamber of Commerce.  Non-municipal members that are 501(c)(3)’s are eligible to apply for brownfield sub grants and loans, however they must receive a letter of support from their municipality and the municipality must be a current member of the RBP. 

Non-municipal members benefit by keeping abreast of the brownfield funding coming available and they can advocate for the communities they represent by reaching out to their municipal RBP member representative to highlight and promote sites that are in need of attention.  Non-municipal members are invited to attend all meetings of the RBP Executive Committee, the Annual RBP Meeting and participate in future workshops, webinars and educational offerings that happen throughout the year.  They also benefit by having access to other RBP members as a partner or reference in grant writing or funding applications.  

If your organization is located in one of the 25 communities of the RBP and interested in becoming a member reach out to Steven Perry, Environmental Planner, at 

The Revolving Loan Fund Committee, a sub-committee of the RBP, is responsible for reviewing grant and loan applications to NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund. 

Applications for RLF loans and subgrants are accepted on a rolling basis as funds are available. As applications are received, the RLF sub-committee meets to review grant and loan applications to ensure eligibility has been met and to oversee grant and loan agreements with current sub-awardees and borrowers.  Members of the Revolving Loan Fund sub-committee meet when new subgrant or loan application is received for a cleanup project and vetted by NVCOG staff.  

Revolving Loan Fund Committee Members

First Selectman Ed Mone, Thomaston 
Mayor N. Warren Hess, Naugatuck 
Mayor Jeff Caggiano, Bristol
Mayor Paul Pernerewski, Waterbury
Mayor Mark Lauretti, Shelton 

For more information on our RLF program, click here.

Follow the RBP Facebook Page

Stay updated by following the RBP Facebook Page. Project updates, brownfields news, and relevant articles will be shared to keep the community updated on efforts to redevelop contaminated sites across the RBP region.


If you have general questions regarding RBP membership, please email Ricardo Rodriguez.

Staff Contact:  

Ricardo Rodriguez
Brownfields Program Director