Our Goals

Municipalities are constantly asked to respond to state, regional, and local policy changes. The Community Planning Division aims to foster collaborative decision-making that aligns short-, medium-, and long-term municipal and regional goals. 

What We Do

  • Provide technical and capacity support to facilitate informed decision-making

Municipalities often respond to environmental, social, and political changes by adopting new land use policies. Community Planning staff are here to provide your community with value-added support to implement your goals.

Examples include assisting your community with the creation or amendment of a zoning district or regulation, a neighborhood-level plan or study, or general education for a land use commission or community.

  • Develop regional and municipal comprehensive long-range plans

Community Planning staff work to develop regional and local comprehensive long-range plans. Our goal is to ensure that your community’s voice is heard and represented in the regional visions we put forth. We will do this by engaging with the region’s land use staff and commissioners, state partners, and community-based organizations. Learn more about our broad regional long-range plan, the Plan of Conservation and Development.

  • Advocate and educate on federal and state implementation and policy

Every legislative session brings new or updated land use requirements that we want to ensure your community is up to date on. Additionally, we will continue to advocate for our member municipalities in instances where policy is not feasible to implement. Community Planning staff keep a close eye on legislative action as it relates to your land use and housing efforts.

Who We Support

The Division is committed to finding useful ways to support the region’s decision makers, staff, and broader community. This includes Chief Elected Officials, Land Use Commissions, and Land Use Staff throughout the Naugatuck Valley Region.

The Community Planning Division actively seeks opportunities to directly interact with community members. This allows NVCOG to gather valuable insights, enriching regional planning efforts with the voices and experiences of the people we serve.

Looking For Assistance?

Contact Us!

Please feel free to reach out to our any member of our division to set up a time to discuss further.

Staff Directory

Community Planning Newsletter

The Community Planning Newsletter is a resource for municipal land use staff and decision makers on all things land use policy and planning. 

Staff Contact:

Savannah-Nicole Villalba, AICP, AZT
Community Planning Director