As a service to members of the RBP, NVCOG regularly applies for state and federal grants to offer assessment and cleanup grants and loans for brownfields sites in our region. Over the past decade, NVCOG has managed more than $12 million in federal brownfields funding awarded and administered by EPA. There are typically two EPA resources available through NVCOG. See EPA’s website to learn more about the types of brownfield funding.

EPA Assessment Grants

This funding may be used to develop environmental information for a site in order to better understand existing conditions. Data is used to develop cleanup strategies with the ultimate goal of remediation and reuse. When assessment funding is available, we offer grants for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, planning, Phase I and II site assessments, developing site-specific cleanup plans and reuse plans related to brownfield sites.

Assessment Grant funds cannot be used to conduct cleanup activities. For more information on our Assessment Program, click below.

NVCOG Assessment Program

EPA Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

RLF funds are used for the clean up phase of brownfield remediation, after a brownfield site has been properly assessed and conditions of the site are known. Due to the heavier administrative burdens and funding commitments inherent in operating a RLF program, NVCOG has chosen to provide these funds to benefit of all Regional Brownfields Partnership eligible communities. The ongoing funding from EPA’s RLF program has been critical to the success of brownfield projects throughout the Naugatuck Valley Corridor, private and public alike.

Our current Revolving Loan Fund program allows NVCOG to issue sub-award grants to municipalities, economic development organizations, and non-profits while making low-interest loans available to municipalities, non-profits and private developers. These funds may be used for clean-up activities on eligible sites only. RLF funding thus fills a critical gap in private development of brownfield sites, where reuse and redevelopment would not occur but for the RLF loan or grant.

Under federal law, parties responsible for the contamination are not eligible for cleanup funding. NVCOG cannot loan or subgrant funds that will be used to pay for cleanup activities at a site for which a borrower or subgrantee is potentially liable under CERCLA § 107.

For more information on our Revolving Loans Fund click below.


Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)

In addition to grants offered by EPA, Connecticut offers brownfield funding assistance through the Connecticut DECD Office of Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment Municipal Grant Program. DECD grants provide funding for a range of cleanup activities and associated costs, including but not limited to abatement, assessment, demolition, and remediation. NVCOG may apply to DECD grant funding rounds on behalf of a municipality or assist in the development of a grant completed by the municipality. These funds have aided dozens of projects throughout the region

CT DECD Program

List of Funded Sites

NVCOGAnsoniaArmory5 State Street
NVCOGAnsoniaCook Industrial26 Beaver Street
NVCOGAnsoniaRoadReady17 Henry Healey Drive
NVCOGAnsoniaRoadReady19 Henry Healey Drive
NVCOGAnsoniaRoadReady520 Main Street
NVCOGAnsoniaRoadReady522 Main Street
NVCOGAnsoniaPalmer153 Main Street
NVCOGAnsoniaPalmer497 East Main Street
NVCOGAnsonia 74 Grove Street
NVCOGAnsoniaHaddadPark296 Main Street
DECDAnsoniaAnsonia Copper & Brass7 Riverside Drive
EPAAnsonia 420 Main Street
NVCOGAnsonia 35 North Main Street
NVCOGBeacon FallsMurtha100 Railroad Avenue
EPABeacon FallsNutmeg Bakery PropertyBreault Road
EPABeacon FallsPines Bridge164 Pinesbridge Road
NVCOGBeacon Falls103 Breault Road
NVCOGBerlinJPG Partners319 Main Street
EPABerlinNational Automatic Products Company44 Washington Boulevard
EPABerlinBerlin Kensington Orchard685 Orchard Road
EPABerlinBerlin Kensington Orchard0 Kensington Road
EPABerlinBerlin Kensington Orchard0 Cross Creek Drive
EPABerlinBerlin Kensington Orchard1433 Chamberlain Highway
EPABerlinBerlin Kensington Orchard 0 Kensington Road
NVCOGBerlinHogue Auto1406 Chamberlain Highway
NVCOGBerlin 161 Massirio Drive
NVCOGBristolLaviero Metals894 Middle Street
NVCOGBristolSessions273 Riverside Avenue
NVCOGBristolFormerSunshineMart316 Park Street
NVCOGBristol 43 East Main Street
NVCOGBristolGavlick Machinery50 Franklin Street
NVCOGBristolGavlick Machinery72 Franklin Street
NVCOGBristolGavlick Machinery100 Franklin Street
EPABristolH.J. Mills Box Factory Property149-151 Church Street
EPABristolTrudon & Platt Motor Lines15 Downs Street
EPABristolUnited Auto Property360 Riverside Ave.
DECDBurlingtonCrescent Manufacturing700 George Washington Turnpike
NVCOGCheshireBall & Socket493 West Main Street
NVCOGDerbyDerby Garden Center8 Caroline Street
NVCOGDerby67-71 Minerva67-71 Minerva Street
NVCOGDerby150 Roosevelt Drive150 Roosevelt Drive
NVCOGDerbyOSI0 Caroline Street
NVCOGDerbyValleyAuto46-50 Commerce Street
NVCOGDerbyCheckersFoodStore160 Elizabeth Street
NVCOGDerbyJacobsMetal2 Factory Street
NVCOGDerbyLifetouch90 Main Street
EPADerbyHines Farm
DECDDerbyBad Sons251 Roosevelt Drive
NVCOGDerby251 Roosevelt Drive251 Roosevelt Drive
NVCOGNaugatuck27 Andrew Avenue27 Andrew Avenue
NVCOGNaugatuckParcel C58 Maple Street
NVCOGNaugatuckParcel A6 Rubber Avenue
NVCOGNaugatuckParcel B0 Maple Street
NVCOGNaugatuckProspectStSchool100 Prospect Street
NVCOGNaugatuck251 Rubber Avenue
NVCOGNaugatuck 0 Church Street
NVCOGNaugatuckLandfill0 West Mountain Road
NVCOGNaugatuckLandfill0 West Mountain Road
NVCOGNaugatuck0 Elm Street
NVCOGNaugatuck122 School Street
NVCOGNaugatuck12 Spencer Street
DECDNew Britain64 Burritt Street
EPANew BritainSandelli Florist233 Oak Street
EPANew BritainPete’s Automotive207 Oak Street
EPANew BritainNorth & Oak Streets Abandoned Dry Cleaners218 North Street
EPANew BritainMyrtle And Booth StreetsMyrtle And Booth Streets
EPANew BritainNew Britain Machine221 South Street (Rear)
EPANew BritainSandelli Florist II2 Bank Street
EPANew Britain269 Oak Street269 Oak Street
EPANew Britain222 Oak Street222 Oak Street
EPANew Britain218 Oak Street218 Oak Street
EPANew Britain212 Oak Street212 Oak Street
EPANew BritainWest Main & Lincoln15 Lincoln Street
EPANew BritainWest Main & Lincoln444-452 West Main Street
EPANew BritainRussell Erwin Factory102 Washington Street
DECDNew Britain1 Bosco Drive
DECDNew BritainOld Police Station125 Columbus Blvd
DECDNew Britain25 Columbus Blvd
NVCOGNewtownSandy Hook Auto7-9 Glen Road
NVCOGNewtown28 Glen Road28 Glen Road
NVCOGNewtownBatchelder44 Swamp Road
NVCOGNewtownFairfieldHills0 Old Farm Road
NVCOGNewtownFairfieldHills21 Wasserman Way
NVCOGNewtownFairfieldHills46 Mile Hill Road
NVCOGPlainville 311 New Britain Avenue
NVCOGPlainville 367 New Britain Avenue
NVCOGPlymouthMayfairGarage142 Main Street
NVCOGPlymouthHart268 Main Street
NVCOGPlymouthB&Jtool272 Main Street
NVCOGPlymouthProspectStSchool12 Prospect Street
EPAProspectU.S. Cap And Jacket214 New Haven Road
NVCOGSeymour 33-37 Bank Street
NVCOGSeymourLoPrestiSchool29 Maple Street
NVCOGSeymourCarsonLocation768  Avenue
NVCOGSeymourSeymourourLumber79-101 Bank Street
NVCOGSeymourSilvermineRoad4 Progress Avenue
NVCOGSeymourHousatonicWire109 River Street
EPASeymourSeymour Specialty Wire Company
NVOCGSeymour 119 Old Ansonia Road
NVCOGSheltonChromiumProcess113 Canal Street
NVCOGShelton 223 Canal Street
NVCOGShelton 100 Canal Street
NVCOGSheltonRolfite131 Canal Street East
EPASheltonSamarius Industries123 East Canal Street
EPASheltonMutual Housing
EPA, DECDSheltonCel-Lastik Sponge Rubber93 Canal Street
NVCOGShelton 267 Canal Street
NVCOGShelton 726 River Road
NVCOGSouthburySTS1230 S Britain Road
NVCOGSouthburySTS1461 S Britain Road
NVCOGSouthingtonBeaton&CorbinFactory318 North Main Street
DECDSouthingtonGreenway Commons317 Center Street
EPAThomastonPlume And Atwood Brass Mill235 East Main Street
NVCOGThomastonNew England Oil Terminal200 East Main Street
EPATorringtonTorrington Manufacturing Company100 Franklin Street
EPATorringtonChurch Street Dam1 Church Street
EPATorringtonFormer Allied Corp, Pheoll Ne52 Norwood Street
EPATorringtonSmurfit-Stone Container Corp105 Summer Street
EPATorringtonQuality Building69 Main Street
EPATorringtonCoffee House Plus242 S Main Street
EPATorringtonKelley Bus Company136 Water Street
EPATorringtonFormer Union Hardware459 Migeon Avenue
NVCOGWaterburyNew Opportunities39 Cherry Avenue
NVCOGWaterburyVerjune44 Chapel Street
NVCOGWaterburyMad River777 South Main Street
NVCOGWaterburyMad River313 Mill Street
NVCOGWaterburyMad River835 South MainStreet
NVCOGWaterburyMad River272 River Street
NVCOGWaterburyNOW16 Cherry Avenue
NVCOGWaterburyNOW167 Maple Street
NVCOGWaterbury 66 Buckingham Street
NVCOGWaterburyFormerMattaco1981 East Main Street
NVCOGWaterbury 279 Thomaston Avenue
EPAWaterburyHowland Hughes116 Bank Street
EPAWaterbury27 Division Street27 Division Street
EPAWaterburyWaterbury Industrial Commons1875 Thomaston Avenue
EPAWaterbury324 Mill Street324 Mill Street
EPAWaterburyBunker Hill Park
EPAWaterburyEverybody’s Market1200 South Main Street
EPAWaterburyRidan Inc130 Freight Street
EPAWaterbury31 Burton Street31 Burton Street
EPAWaterbury40 Bristol Street40 Bristol Street
EPAWaterbury37 Bristol Street37 Bristol Street
EPAWaterbury99 Pearl Street99 Pearl Street
EPAWaterbury57 Division Street57 Division Street
EPAWaterbury177 Cherry Street177 Cherry Street
EPAWaterburyPearl Street Park47-103 Pearl Street
EPAWaterbury215 Cherry Street215 Cherry Street
DECDWaterburyMacDermid526 Huntingdon Avenue
DECDWaterburyMill Street33 Mill Street
DECDWaterburyMuncipal Stadium1200 Watertown Avenue
NVCOGWaterburyAnamet698 South Main Street
NVCOGWaterburyLot 19South Main Street
NVCOGWaterbury2100 South Main Street
NVCOGWatertownPinShop20 Main Street
NVCOGWatertownMurthaSite0 Old Baird Road
NVCOGWatertown0 French Street0 French Street
EPAWinchester27 Gay Street27 Gay Street
EPAWinchester19 Gay Street19 Gay Street
EPAWinchester23 Gay Street23 Gay Street
EPAWinchesterBomar Specialties210 Holabird Avenue
EPAWinchester1 Lake Street1 Lake Street
EPAWinchesterWaring StreetWaring Street On Boyd Street
EPAWinchesterAlternate High School79 Gay Street
EPAWinchesterUnion Pin Property170 West Lake Street
EPAWinchesterProspect Street Joint Venture115 Prospect Street
EPAWinchesterProspect Street Joint Venture135 Prospect Street
EPAWinchester100 Whiting Street Proposed Lot 1100 Whiting Street
EPAWinchesterCapitol Products Co Inc35 Willow St
EPAWinchester95-97 Main Street95-97 Main Street
EPAWinchesterLippincott Property173 Rousley Street
EPAWinchester115 Spencer Street
DECDWinchesterWinchester MBAI Grant32 Lake Street

Staff Contact:

Ricardo Rodriguez
Brownfields Program Coordinator