Municipal Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs) identify natural hazards and risks, existing capabilities, and activities that can be undertaken by a community to prevent loss of life and reduce property damages associated with the identified hazards. Public safety and property loss reduction are the driving forces behind these plans, but careful consideration is also to be given to the preservation of history, culture and the natural environment of the region.
A current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-approved HMP is required to qualify a municipality for certain federal hazard mitigation funding. Plans must be updated every 5 years.
In 2019, NVCOG received funding from FEMA to conduct a multi-jurisdictional HMP for all 19 NVCOG municipalities. After an 18 month planning process, a regional Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and 19 municipal annexes were published, adopted locally, and accepted by FEMA in January of 2022. These plans will be active through January 19, 2027.