The project scope is as follows. From Exit 13 to Exit 17 upgraded LED light fixtures will be installed with new light standards and foundations and underground circuitry for an incident management system (IMS). The IMS will be installed at a later date and will warn motorists of issues on the highway.
From Exit 15 to Exit 22 there will be repairs to the concrete base of the north and southbound lanes of the roadway and resurfacing, 11 minor bridge rehabilitations, drainage improvements, and bringing roadway guiderails to current Manual of Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) standards.
Empire Paving Inc. was awarded the contract for the Route 8 project through the CTDOT design-build procurement method.
The CTDOT has a public participation plan that included an information session held on Jan. 12. Project managers gave a presentation on the project and the public asked questions about the work.
Other Related Projects
Staff Contact:
Rich Donovan
Transportation Planning Director