The NVCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) serves as the region’s technical resource for issues related to transportation infrastructure, safety, and maintenance. The committee reviews significant policies and projects and offers recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Additionally, the TTAC provides a forum for the region’s transportation and public works professionals to discuss issues of mutual concern, seek advice from peers, and stay informed about transportation issues and programs.
The Committee
The TTAC comprises representatives from the region’s municipalities, appointed for their familiarity identifying transportation needs and the transportation planning programs and processes offered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
Specific responsibilities include:
- Receive and review pre-applications for transportation improvement projects under the state-funded Local Transportation Improvement Program (LOTCIP).
- Review proposed and requested amendments to the Transportation Improvement Programs for the Central Naugatuck Valley Region MPO and the Greater Bridgeport and Valley MPO.
- Review the draft Transportation Improvement Programs for the Central Naugatuck Valley Region MPO and the Greater Bridgeport and Valley MPO.
- Review the draft transportation plans for the Central Naugatuck Valley Region MPO and the Valley portion of the Greater Bridgeport and Valley MPO.
- Review the results of the regional emissions analyses and make a recommendation to the NVCOG Board regarding endorsement of the Air Quality Conformity Determinations.
- Review the draft Unified Planning Work Programs for the Central Naugatuck Valley Region MPO and the Valley portion of the Greater Bridgeport and Valley MPO.
- Review draft planning documents conducted by the NVCOG staff and consultant services, such as:
- Active transportation plans
- Transit studies
- Corridor studies
- Congestion management plans
- Highway safety projects and plan
- Serve as a critical component of the region’s Vision Zero work, reviewing proposed safety improvements, providing insights into systemic problems, and providing a forum for public input on safety issues.
Upcoming Meetings
The TTAC meets every other month at the NVCOG offices and virtually via Zoom. Public involvement is welcome, either in person or virtual. Read the Procedures and Guidelines for Public Participation in Meetings for more information.
Past Meeting Minutes
NVCOG Contact
Kevin Ellis
Transportation Engineer