NVCOG’s Assessment Grant Program
NVCOG’s Assessment Grants provide assistance to our RBP member towns to measure the type and extent of contaminants through Phase I and II environmental site assessments and Phase III cleanup plans for sites contaminated by petroleum and hazardous materials. These grants also provide funding to inventory, characterize, assess, conduct a range of planning activities, develop site-specific cleanup plans, and conduct community involvement related to brownfield sites.
Assessment funding at eligible brownfield sites is approved by the RBP Executive Committee and assessment work is conducted by a Licensed Environmental Professionals (LEPs) contracted by NVCOG. Every two years, NVCOG engages in a competitive selection process to choose a number of qualified LEPs called our “pre-qualified short-list.” This process involves publishing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) on our website to acquire a list of qualified LEPs. After the RFQ deadline and applications are received, Brownfield Staff and the RBP Executive Committee meet to review the submissions and select several firms based on selection criteria and their responses to RFQ details. This becomes our “LEP pre-qualified short list.”
When an assessment project has been selected for grant funding, NVCOG puts out a Request for Proposals (RFP) directed to the LEP pre-qualified short list. The LEPs respond to the RFP and submit their proposals. After the deadline, NVCOG staff along with the RBP Executive Committee reviews all proposals and selects the LEP firm based on cost and the stated scope of work.
Who can apply for Assessment grants?
Eligible applicants include all RBP municipalities, redevelopment agencies, non-profit organizations, and private parties. Applicants do not need to own the site to receive assistance under the program; however, a written site access agreement from the property owner is needed to conduct all Phase I studies and all Phase II and Phase III activities.
Eligible entities seeking to submit their site for consideration under the NVCOG Assessment Program must first fill out an application.
Please submit to Ricardo Rodriguez at rrodriguez@nvcogt.gov.
Staff Contact:
Ricardo Rodriguez
Brownfields Program Director