Active Projects
0 Andrew Avenue, Naugatuck
The Borough of Naugatuck was sub-granted $200,000 and an additional $350,000 for cleanup planning and remedial activities at the former Risdon Manufacturing site.
0/113 Canal Street, Shelton
NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund Committee awarded the city of Shelton a $400,000 subgrant for remedial activities at adjacent parcels along Canal Street.
1 Main Street, Berlin
The Regional Brownfield Partnership issued a sub-grant to the Town of Berlin $46,800 for a Phase III environmental site assessment.
130 Freight Street, Waterbury
NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund Committee awarded the Waterbury Development Corporation a $200,000 sub-grant for cleanup planning activities.
143 Wolcott Road, Wolcott
NVCOG assisted the Town of Wolcott obtain a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
170 Freight Street & 00 West Main Street, Waterbury
NVCOG’s RLF Committee sub-granted The Waterbury Development Corporation $350,000 for cleanup planning, remediation, and abatement activities.
199 Water Street – 229 Church Street, Torrington
NVCOG’s RLF Committee loaned Pay Dirt, LLC a loan of $225,000 to conduct cleanup activities at the former Hotchkiss Brothers Company facility.
272 River Street, Waterbury
NVCOG’s RLF Committee has subgranted Waterbury Development Corporation $100,000 for cleanup planning.
280 Elm Street, Naugatuck
NVCOG’s RLF Committee has subgranted the Borough of Naugatuck $350,000 to remove an estimated 60,000 cubic yards of contaminated soils.
281 Canal Street, Shelton
NVCOG’s RLF Committee has approved a loan of $748,250 to 281 Canal Shelton, LLC to conduct cleanup activities at the former Ascom Hasler facility.
300 Broad Street, Bristol
NVCOG awarded 300 Broad Street Property, LLC $83,000 in petroleum assessment funds to conduct environmental assessment activities.
318 North Main Street, Southington
NVCOG loaned 318 North Main LLC. $400,000 EPA Brownfields RLF for cleanup activities at 318 North Main.
359 Mill Street, Waterbury (Brass City Harvest)
NVCOG’s RLF Committee has awarded the Waterbury Development Corporation a $86,000 sub-grant to assist with State remedial closeout requirements.
526 North Main Street, Waterbury
The Regional Brownfield Partnership has awarded NEST, formerly the Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury a $100,000 subgrant for environmental assessment activities.
698 South Main Street, Waterbury
NVCOG’s RLF Committee has awarded the Waterbury Development Corporation a subgrant for $277,000, joining an initial award of $200,000 to facilitate cleanup planning and remedial activities.
835 South Main Street, Waterbury
NVCOG’s RLF Committee subgranted the Waterbury Development Corporation $350,000 for cleanup activities at the former Waterbury Button Factory.
Cedar Village at Minerva Square
NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund Committee awarded the city of Derby $293,000 to conduct remedial activities at a vacant autobody shop.
Derby O’Sullivan’s Island
NVCOG was awarded a $200,000 DECD grant to conduct environmental assessments and develop (if needed) remediation strategies on the site.
Main Street South, Derby
NVCOG was awarded $200,000 to conduct assessment activities in the Derby Main Street South project area.
NVCOG Equity Explorer
The NVCOG Equity Explorer is a unified platform for tracking socioeconomic and environmental indicators to ensure that fairness, justice, and sustainability remain essential components in all decision-making processes.