NVCOG strives to assist member communities and collaborate in sharing resources that increase efficiency and create economy of scale benefits.

NVCOG Household Hazardous Waste Program 

The agency’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) program now includes 15 municipalities. This program has been successful in saving towns and cities money for more than 20 years, as it has proven more cost effective to operate the program on a regional basis than any single municipality could do on its own.

Splitting setup and disposal costs and creating collection sites that rotate through each participating town and city in the region has benefitted local taxpayers by reducing costs and provided a convenience in disposing of items that should not be placed with conventional waste streams.  

Learn more about the NVCOG HHW program.

Regional Wastewater Treatment Consolidation Study  

In 2016, NVCOG received preliminary approval to conduct a Regional Wastewater Consolidation Study. The study provided a preliminary analysis to help determine the region’s ability to increase capacity for properly treating wastewater in a consolidated facility or facilities, thereby leading to a reduction in long-term state and local capital improvements and a reduction of user fees. This fully comprehensive study yielded a wealth of information, but has yet to result in regionalization of the region’s wastewater facilities.

Ansonia-Derby School Regionalization Study 

In May 2018, The Connecticut General Assembly approved Public Act 18-169, which appropriated funding for a school consolidation study for the Cities of Ansonia and Derby. In accordance with Connecticut State Statutes §10-39 through §10-43, the cities’ Boards of Aldermen subsequently appointed members of the Temporary Regional School Study Committee (TRSSC).  

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments function in the study was to serve as fiduciary and contracting authority. Following a quality based selection process for a study consultant, District Management Group, of Boston, MA, was selected as consultant.  

The study analyzed a number of areas regarding the advisability of combining school districts. It also analyzed potential cost savings or operational efficiencies resulting from shared services in separate school districts.  Ultimately, Derby and Ansonia chose not to pursue regionalization.

Contact: HHW


Staff Contact:  

Drew Baklik
Director of Municipal Affairs