The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is an advisory sub-committee of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) which considers regional development and conservation issues on behalf of the Council. In concert with NVCOG staff, the RPC works to:
- Promote inter-municipal and regional cooperation
- Review and analyze regional studies and plans
- Report on Statutory Land Use Referrals
- Prepare the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development
- Make recommendations regarding the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and other plans as needed
Each of the nineteen (19) NVCOG member communities has one vote on the committee and appoints one representative and one alternate to serve on the RPC. More information about the RPC may be found in the NVCOG Bylaws and RPC Operating Procedures
Meetings of the RPC are open to the public and take place on the first Tuesday of the month, every other month. Please see the Calendar for the latest meeting time and agenda.
Ansonia Jarod Heon | Prospect Gil Graveline Peter Hughes (Alternate) |
Beacon Falls Ray Jurzynski, Jr. | Seymour Jim Baldwin |
Bethlehem Gary Giordano | Shelton Virginia Harger |
Bristol David White (RPC Chairperson) | Southbury Kim McNeill |
Cheshire Gilbert Lindner | Thomaston Stacey Sefcik (RPC Secretary) Tom Mueller (Alternate) |
Derby Gino DiGiovanni | Waterbury Robert Nerney |
Middlebury Curtis Bosco (RPC At-Large Representative) | Watertown Daniel DiVito |
Naugatuck Lori Rotella (RPC Vice-Chairperson) Michelle Healy (Alternate) | Wolcott Vacant |
Oxford Vacant | Woodbury Robert Clarke |
Plymouth Margus Laan (RPC At-Large Representative) |
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meeting Minutes
Staff Contact:
Savannah-Nicole Villalba, AICP, AZT
Community Planning Director