Transportation Improvement Programs 

The 2021 to 2024 TIP remains in place through September 30, 2024. Interested in the upcoming 2025-2028 TIP? Check out the project page here: 2025-2028 TIP

Every Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is responsible for maintaining a local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Authorized by 23 CFR 450, the TIP is a four-year, fiscally constrained listing of all projects using federal money. To ensure local support of projects, the NVCOG Board must endorse the TIP, and any changes made to it, before the federal money can be spent and projects move forward. 

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 

The TIPs of all 8 MPOs across Connecticut are combined to form one statewide transportation improvement program (STIP). The STIP is regularly amended and updated based on the regional TIPs to ensure that all projects are included and that local boards have endorsed all expenditures. The STIP must also be regularly modeled for air quality conformity for Connecticut’s non-attainment areas. 

To learn more about the STIP, visit the CTDOT’s STIP webpage.

What’s being programmed?

Explore the region’s current transportation program on this interactive map.

Federal regulations require the TIP to be financially constrained and consistent with the anticipated federal funds allocated to the urbanized areas. For each project, the federal funding category, the estimated cost and the fiscal year funds will be needed are listed. The project schedule is broken down by implementation phase.

The NVCOG planning region is divided by two metropolitan planning areas.  Because of this, the NVCOG develops and maintains two separate TIPs, one for each MPO. The priority projects included in the TIPs are advanced from the MTP. The TIPs are developed in collaboration with CTDOT, public transit operators and member municipalities.

What was funded in 2023?

Each year, millions of dollars of federal funds from the USDOT are obligated in support of the MPOs transportation improvement program. The following document contains tables listing projects that received obligations in Federal Fiscal Year 2023 (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023)  through the metropolitan planning process.

Obligated Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 – CNVMPO

Obligated Projects for Federal Fiscal Year 2023 – Ansonia, Derby, Seymour, & Shelton

About Obligation

Once a project has been included in the TIP, it can be authorized for federal reimbursement. An obligation occurs after the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) signs said authorization, which is a commitment to participate financially in a project. The obligation means that funds are assigned to the project and are available for reimbursement to the implementing agency. This annual list reflects the obligations made during the fiscal year as opposed to the proposed obligations programmed on the CNVMPO TIP and scheduled to be authorized during the fiscal year.

The publication of this list of obligated projects fulfills the conditions of 23 CFR Part 450.334 requiring that the NVCOG publish a listing of obligated projects each federal fiscal year.

Staff Contact:

Kevin Ellis
Transportation Engineer