This is the plan for planning; the nuts and bolts of what the NVCOG is working on and how this important planning work will be funded.
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are required to create a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that documents the metropolitan transportation planning activities to be performed in compliance with the requirements of US Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR Part 450.308). The transportation planning tasks identified in the UPWP are funded through a combination of federal, state, and local sources.
Take a Look at Our Work
The NVCOG operates under two UPWPs, one for each MPO within its jurisdiction. The current work programs for the CNVMPO and MetroCOG are available at the following links:
CNVMPO 2024-25 Draft 25 UpdateThe CNVMPO has proposed a draft update to the FY 24-25 UPWP to account for additional projects and funding sources. This draft will be reviewed at the June 21, 2024, MPO meeting.
Helping Elected Officials Set Priorities
The transportation planning activities in the 2024-2025 UPWP are categorized into seven tasks:
Task 1: Data Collection and Analysis: This tasks provides for data collection, analysis, and presentation about critical elements of the transportation network. Included in this task are the region’s GIS program, active transportation and vehicle count programs, all work related to the US Census Bureau’s data collection efforts, including the smoothing of urban boundaries following the release of 2020 urban areas.
Task 2: Multimodal Transportation Planning: Task 2 includes all of the planning activities related to transit, active transportation, and highway planning. Included in this task are major regional planning efforts including a micro-transit study, the regional active transportation plan, a regional freight plan, and a planned update to the Waterbury Area Transit Study.
Task 3: Program Implementation: This task provides for staff activities to see plans move forward. Through activities such as management of the TIP and LOTCIP, this task supports staff work related to funding of projects. It similarly provides for work on the various committees and boards that have been established to advance transportation planning activities within the region, such as the Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee. Task three will also support the region’s initiatives around Vision Zero implementation.
Task 4: Technical Assistance: Task 4 supports the work that staff does to provide technical support to the NVCOG member municipalities. Technical assistance will also be provided relating to major corridor studies, project development and delivery, participation in special studies and projects under the sponsorship of CTDOT, FHWA and FTA, and services carried out on behalf of member towns.
Task 5: Public Engagement: Task 5 identifies the tasks NVCOG staff will undertake to advance efforts to better engage the broader community, including work to better publicize projects and activities, build stronger relationships with community-based organizations and advocacy groups, and improve awareness of regional planning across the region.
Task 6: Administration: Task 6 allows for the administration of the transportation planning program, including management of the UPWP, regular completion of federal reporting requirements, and coordination with the CTDOT.
Task 7: Complete Streets: Per changes in IIJA, MPOs must dedicate a minimum of 2.5% of all planning funds to complete streets activities. To ensure this is completed in accordance with the federal regulation, a separate task that can be invoiced to the Department independently has been created. Task 7 will include the creation of a regional complete streets policy and development of a complete streets prioritization plan.
Staff Contact:
Rich Donovan
Transportation Planning Director