Active Projects

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG)

The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) are a five-billion-dollar federal program to help state and regional governments reduce greenhouse gases. NVCOG towns are split among several planning regions, each of which is conducting its own GHG assessment and planning GHG reduction measures.

Design of Naugatuck River Greenway Trail Gap Sections

The Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization was awarded funds from the US Department of Transportation under its RAISE discretionary grant program. The project will complete the environmental assessment and design plans for sections of the Naugatuck River Greenway Trail.

Kinneytown Dam Removal

For nearly two centuries, migratory fish have been blocked from most of the Naugatuck River by Kinneytown Dam in Seymour.  That continues today, with the facility no longer producing electricity and serving no useful purpose.  Now, a project is underway led by NVCOG in partnership with Save the Sound to

NRG Thomaston – Watertown Design & Construction

The Towns of Thomaston and Watertown received a federal Recreational Trails Program grant through the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to design and construct a trailhead parking area and short section of Naugatuck River Greenway (NRG) trail in Thomaston and to design critical features along the future NRG
Map thumbnail for NVEE app

NVCOG Equity Explorer

The NVCOG Equity Explorer is a unified platform for tracking socioeconomic and environmental indicators to ensure that fairness, justice, and sustainability remain essential components in all decision-making processes.

Regional Flood Resilience

CT DEEP's Climate Resilience Fund awarded NVCOG a grant to develop and advance culvert replacement and drainage system improvement projects in nine municipalities. This regional effort aims to reduce stormwater flooding, repair infrastructure, and incorporate elements of LID. Deliverables will include a preliminary designs and draft grant applications for federal

Regional Open Space Inventory

The U.S. Forest Service awarded NVCOG a grant to research and catalog priority Open Space parcels across the region. The major deliverable of this project will be a GIS map layer of OS with detailed attributes including ownership, acreage, level of legal protection, public access status, and more.

Regional Waste Authority Study

This study will analyze existing waste management practices among the 19 municipalities and recommend paths to regionalization. One possible outcome is the formation of a Regional Waste Authority, which could engage in shared services & staff, collaborative purchasing, and regional programming.

Tree Canopy Assessment

The U.S. Forest Service awarded NVCOG a grant to assess, map, and characterize tree cover across the region. A robust tree cover mitigates high temperatures, filters air pollution, and can improve property values and quality of life in urban areas.