The NVCOG, in collaboration with the CTDOT, the Town of Woodbury, Federal Highway Administration, and AECOM Technical Services, Inc., has undertaken a comprehensive review of US Route 6 throughout Woodbury.
This study will develop actionable concepts to improve safety, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists, while supporting economic development and access to the Town’s historic assets.

Project Advisory Committee
Project Advisory Committee meetings focus on convening with the Town of Woodbury’s project team to discuss and provide feedback on the study.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Project Advisory Committee meeting will soon be scheduled. This meeting will focus on the current conditions assessment nearing completion.
Past Meetings
The third project advisory committee meeting took place on February 4, 2025. The NVCOG, in collaboration with the CTDOT, the Town of Woodbury, Federal Highway Administration, and AECOM Technical Services, Inc., has undertaken a comprehensive review of US Route 6 throughout Woodbury.
The second project advisory committee meeting took place at 1 PM on January 25th at the Woodbury Town Hall. This meeting provided an opportunity for the PAC to be informed of the updated timeline and project team, provide feedback on the study’s goals, and help the project team best connect with key stakeholders along the corridor.
The first project advisory committee meeting occurred on June 22, 2022, to review the project scope and ensure that the project would meet the Town’s needs.
Project Goals
US Route 6 is one of the main routes through Woodbury, providing connection to Watertown and Route 8 to the north and to Interstate 84 in Southbury to the south. The route also serves as the town’s Main Street, providing access to two historic districts and to much of the commercial activity within town. Through most of the town Route 6 is a two lane road, characterized by wide shoulders, gaps in the sidewalk network, and a mix of high speed limits in the more rural areas of town and lower limits in the commercial areas. In addition to automobile traffic there is a high level of pedestrian traffic near the town center and cyclist traffic along the full route. In the Town’s most recent Plan of Conservation and Development improving access for non-motorized users along Route 6 was identified as a key priority.
The study team will collect and analyze traffic and safety data, working with the public to identify locations with safety or congestion concerns, and then proposing countermeasures to improve those locations. A special focus will be on the needs of those walking, especially in the town’s historic areas, as well as on cyclists for the length of the corridor. This will all result in a final report including analysis of recommendations, conceptual engineering drawings, and an implementation plan for how to move the suggested improvements forward.
Public Involvement Process
We strive to involve the public in a way that is collaborative, accessible, and inclusive. During the project, our team will use a variety of tools to gather public feedback and ensure that this project meets the needs of these communities.
To fulfill these goals, the project team will meet with stakeholders, conduct a public information meeting, and provide frequent updates via this website and NVCOG’s social media platforms. Additionally, all documents related to the project will be posted to this website. If you have a question or would like to provide a comment, suggestion, or idea, please email
Committee Meetings
Two advisory committees (the Project Advisory Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee) will be formed. The Project Advisory Committee will include government, business, and community representatives and will provide oversight and direction for the study and monitor the planning process.
The Technical Advisory Committee will be comprised of NVCOG planning and engineering staff, CTDOT planning and engineering representatives, and Woodbury municipal staff. This group will confirm that the recommendations of the study meet CTDOT’s project requirements and goals, align with the Route 6 Roundabout that is planned for the intersection with Route 61, and can be actioned within a reasonable timeline.
Upcoming Public Meeting
The Town of Woodbury, AECOM, and the NVCOG will hold a hybrid public meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Woodbury Senior Community Center (281 Main St. South, Woodbury, CT).
For those unable to join in-person, please join using the zoom link. Individuals can listen to the meeting by calling +1 929 205 6099 and entering the Meeting ID when prompted: 898 4662 0463.
The meeting will include a public presentation of the current conditions assessment, along with next steps as the project moves into looking at future conditions and recommendations.
Past Public Meetings
Public meetings will be conducted with the dual purpose of sharing findings and gathering opinions and suggestions from residents and community stakeholders. These meetings will be open to all, with in-person and virtual options for attendance. The public meetings will be recorded and made available through the NVCOG YouTube Channel.
Social Media
In addition to this website, we will keep you up-to-date regarding the project’s status and progress on NVCOG’s social media platforms, which include Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Existing Conditions Assessment
The project team is currently working through finalizing the existing conditions assessment which will take a careful look at the existing infrastructure. This report will provide the consultant, Connecticut Department of Transportation, NVCOG, and the town an in-depth understanding of the current operation and safety issues along the corridor, as well as where opportunity lies to provide improvements. Existing Conditions are nearly completed, pending final confirmation of turning movements along the corridor.
Public Engagement
Public engagement for the study is ongoing, and will continue through adoption of the final recommendations. To learn more, please visit the “Get Involved” tab above, or contact us at the information below.
A series of public meetings will be scheduled for fall and winter 2024. These include a Project Advisory Committee meeting aimed at reviewing the draft Existing Conditions Assessment, a public information meeting to kick off the development and analysis of proposed improvements in a full public meeting setting, and a meeting of the technical advisory committee, which includes staff from the CT Department of Transportation, which will review proposals and begin review of feasibility and next steps.
Future Conditions and Concept Development
The project team is currently beginning work on future conditions, identifying where the right-of-way exists to add additional bicycle and pedestrian amenities, addressing current condition problems, and putting additional focus on safety enhancements. As concept development advances, residents and stakeholders will be given a chance to contribute ideas and feedback top help shape the future of the corridor.
Project Timeline
NVCOG, in coordination with AECOM, the project consultant, and the Town of Woodbury, have updated the below schedule as of January 2025. The project is currently on track to be completed before Summer 2025.
A series of public meetings will be scheduled. These include a Project Advisory Committee meeting aimed at reviewing the draft Existing Conditions Assessment, a public information meeting to kick off the development and analysis of proposed improvements in a full public meeting setting, and a meeting of the technical advisory committee, which includes staff from the CT Department of Transportation, which will review proposals and begin review of feasibility and next steps.
Meeting Types
PAC – Project Advisory Committee Meeting
PIM – Public Information Meeting
TAC – Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
NVCOG Infrastructure Safety Walk Assessment Notes Presentation (PDF) – This report documents the findings and notes from the Walk Audit that took place on June 4, 2024. During this event, members of the public, town staff, NVCOG staff, and representatives of AECOM, the project consultant, all saw firsthand the operational and safety concerns through the town center, as well as documented the historic assets along the corridor.
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Staff Contact
Rich Donovan
Transportation Planning Director