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2025-2028 TIP/STIP

The Transportation Improvement Program is the most important way that local elected officials set the direction of federal transportation spending. Every federal dollar to be spent on transportation related items must be endorsed by the MPO board, ensuring that communities support the projects that occur within their borders. 

Authorized by 23 CFR 450, the TIP is a fiscally constrained listing of all projects using federal dollars over a four year period. The current TIPs for both the CNVMPO and GBVMPO run from federal fiscal years 2021-2024, meaning they end in October of this year. The next TIP, which covers federal fiscal years 2025-2028 will begin on October 1st, 2024, and is currently available for the public to review and comment before the MPO boards act to endorse them.

Staff Contact:

Rich Donovan
Transportation Planning Director