Grant Opportunities
NVCOG receives and administers a variety of federal, state, and private grants. We also provide support to municipalities and non-profits in our region to help locate and apply for funding through various grant programs.
Below, you will find a list of some of the grant programs that we have had experience with. Please contact us at 203-757-0535 if you have questions or to request assistance.
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Brownfield Municipal Grant Program | CT DECD | State funded grant program, which awards cities and towns on a competitive basis of up to $4 million. These grants go towards assisting communities with brownfield remediation and assessment. |
EPA Revolving Loan Fund Program | US EPA | Awards up to $1 million toward the creation and maintenance of a brownfield revolving loan fund. These grants target distressed sites by funding environmental cleanup which generate future economic activity for that site. |
EPA Clean-up Grant Program | US EPA | Remediation funding for eligible brownfield sites, up to $500,000 may be requested per site. This program has a 20% cost share requirement. |
EPA Assessment Grant Program | US EPA | Provides funding for a grant recipient to inventory, characterize, assess, conduct a range of planning activities, develop site-specific cleanup plans, and conduct community involvement related to brownfield sites. The performance period for these grants is three years. |
Targeted Brownfield Development Loan Program | CT DECD | Loans of up to $4 million. Eligible for potential brownfield purchasers and current brownfield owners (including municipalities and economic development agencies) provided that a current owner did not contribute to any existing environmental contamination. |
Brownfield Planning Grants | CT DECD | DECD Grant amount up to $200,000, requires a 10% match. The goal of this program is to help eligible applicants develop a comprehensive implementation plan for the remediation and redevelopment of neighborhoods, districts, corridors, downtowns, waterfront zones or other areas burdened with multiple brownfields. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Enterprise Corridor Zone | CT DECD | This program offers incentives to companies involved in manufacturing, research associated with manufacturing and distribution warehousing. |
CT Communities Challenge Grant | CT DECD | A matching grant program that funds multiple projects in an effort to improve livability, vibrancy, convenience, and equity of communities throughout the state. Successful projects include multiple of the elements below:
Dry Cleaning Remediation Fund | CT DECD | Grants to eligible dry cleaning business operators and landlords for the assessment, cleanup, containment or mitigation of pollution resulting from releases of chemicals used in dry cleaning. The grants may also be used for measures undertaken to prevent such pollution, and for providing potable drinking water when necessary. Grant funds may work as a reimbursement program as well. |
Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) | CT DESSP | Grants up to $500,000. funds economic development, community conservation and quality-of-life capital projects for localities that are ineligible to receive Urban Action Bonds. |
Urban Act Grant Program | CT DESSP | Open to all municipalities designated as economically distressed, public investment communities or urban centers. Funds are provided to improve and expand state activities which promote community conservation and development and improve the quality of life for urban residents of the state. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Homeland Security Grant Program | CT DEMHS | This federal funding enables states to prepare for terrorist attacks and other major disasters. DEMHS is program manager of funds, regional fiduciary may be Northwest Hills COG or River COG, depending on which Regional Emergency Planning Team (REPT) municipality is located. Funding for equipment and training at regional level. |
Public Health Emergency Preparedness | CT DPH | This is a multi-year formula grant awarded to cities and towns that have an emergency response program protecting residents during natural disasters. |
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) | FEMA/CT DEMHS | This program, formerly known as “Pre-Disaster Mitigation”, provides funds for projects that reduce the overall risk to population and structures from future hazard events, while also reducing the reliance on federal funding from future disasters. This grant is awarded on a competitive basis. |
Citizen Corps Program | CT DEMHS | This grant is a sub-program of the Homeland Security Grant Program. It helps pay for training and equipment related to municipal citizen emergency response teams. |
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) | FEMA | The focus is on implementation of mitigation measures in long term recovery. Types of Eligible Projects:
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) | FEMA | Eligible Federal Activities include:
School Security Grant Program (SSGP) | CT DEMHS | Provides funding to schools to implement security infrastructure improvements. Eligible projects under SSGP include, but are not limited to, replacement or enhancements to doors and windows, access control systems, perimeter security (such as fencing, lighting, bollards, etc.,), interior and/or exterior camera systems and panic alarm systems. |
Multi-Media School Security Grant Program (MMSSGP) | CT DEMHS | Provides funding to schools to implement multi-media security projects that create a direct line of communication between the school and law enforcement. For a camera, radio, panic button, Internet of Thing (IoT) system to be funded through this program, it must include the capability of transmitting communications/notifications directly to law enforcement and/or their call centers. It can also include system(s) that integrate existing cameras, radios, panic buttons, etc. for transmission over internet protocol to first responders and/or their call centers. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Open Space and Watershed Acquisition (OSWA) | CT DEEP | Offers financial assistance to municipalities and nonprofit land conservation organizations to acquire land for open space and to water companies to acquire land to be classified as Class I or Class II water supply property. |
Section 319 Nonpoint Source | CT DEEP | This program aims to reduce water pollution. Municipalities and private organizations are eligible to apply. Applicants are encouraged to provide matching funds for this grant. DEEP prefers to award 5-10 large projects rather than many smaller projects. |
Diesel Grants & Funding | CT DEEP | The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection offers several grant opportunities for municipalities ranging from fleet vehicle retrofits to fuel reduction measures. |
America the Beautiful | CT DEEP | State funded competitive grant program that awards cities and towns up to $12,000 for urban forestry projects. |
State Energy Program | CT DEEP | Federal grant from US DOE which can be used to fund projects which promote energy efficiency, energy security, or environmentally friendly economic growth. Typical annual funding around $700k. No maximum individual award limit. Projects are selected by DEEP in alignment with the goals of the Comprehensive Energy Strategy. |
Weatherization Assistance Program | CT DEEP | Federal grant from US DOE to address weatherization and health and safety issues in homes for low-income residents. Annual funding of about $3.7 million. Roughly 80% of funds are passed through to local community action agencies who administer the program at the ground level. Eligibility for customers is 60% SMI. |
Urban Green Community Garden Grant Program (UGCG) | CT DEEP | UGCG grants can fund 50% of projects focused on creating, enhancing or restoring an urban green space or community garden. Funding can be used to purchase gardening supplies, tools, plants and minimal associated structures. |
Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program | CT DEEP | Will support the establishment of beverage container redemption centers in urban centers and environmental justice communities. Awards must be used for purposes including infrastructure, technology, and costs associated with the establishment of a beverage container redemption center and for initial operational expenses of the redemption center. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Historic Restoration Fund Grants | CT DECD | This program offers up to $100,000 for repair and preservation projects approved by the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office. Grants awards must be matched on a one-to-one basis. Municipalities and nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Grant funds are paid on a single-payment reimbursement basis following project completion. |
Certified Local Government Program – Historic Preservation Enhancement Grant (HPEG) | CT DECD | Partnership between municipality, state and federal agencies to strengthen local historic preservation efforts. Historic Preservation Enhancement Grants (HPEG) tied to certified local government status, and provides funding for preservation planning and programs. |
Supplemental Certified Local Government Grants (SCLG) | CT DECD | SHPO provides these state-funded grants to municipalities to support a wide range of historic preservation planning activities. |
Survey and Planning Grants: | CT SHPO | For a variety of historic preservation planning purposes. These grants are part of a state commitment to provide increased funding for open space, farmland preservation, historic preservation and affordable housing.
– National Historic Landmark Nominations – National Register of Historic Places Nominations – Connecticut State Register of Historic Places Nominations – Local Historic District or Properties Reports – Archaeological Preserves
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
FAST Act Transportation Alternatives | FHWA/CT DOT | This program offers funding for various non-traditional transportation enhancements including encouraging safety, accessibility, and connectivity. It is a set-aside of the Surface Transportation Block Grant. |
Community Connectivity Grant Program | CT DOT | State awards capital grants for pedestrian and bike projects. Maximum awards are capped at $400,000. Applicants must demonstrate commitment to promoting non-modal forms of transportation. |
Connecticut Recreational Trails | CT DEEP | This program covers the planning, design, and construction of new trails. In addition, it also covers the maintenance and restoration of existing trails. Grant amounts vary and will depend upon the availability of currently uncommitted state funds. Requests should be less than $1 million. Grants can pay up to 80% of total project costs, a 20% match is required. |
Active Transportation Microgrant Program | CT DOT | $5,000 requests funds to schools, school districts, municipalities, and non-profit organizations encourage walking, rolling, or biking across the state. Eligible expenses include bikes, bike maintenance equipment, training, and safety materials. This program is supported entirely with state funds. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Municipal Grant Program | CT DOT | This grant provides aid to municipalities for elderly and disabled dial-a-ride services. 1:1 match is required. |
Section 5310 | FTA/CT DOT | Section 5310 allows municipalities to apply for grants that cover the costs of purchasing new buses and vans. This program has an 80:20 match requirement. |
Section 5339b | FTA/CT DOT | This program allocates funds to cover the replacement and rehabilitation of buses and related equipment. It also covers the construction of bus-related facilities including technological changes and/or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities. |
Grant Name | Funder | Description |
Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development | CT OPM | This grant funds a wide variety of activities including planning and construction projects consistent with the State Plan of Conservation & Development and Transit-Oriented-Development policies. Municipalities and Metropolitan Planning Organizations are eligible to apply. Applicants must demonstrate commitment to smart growth. Awards range between $10,000 and $2 million. |
Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program | CT DOT/NVCOG | Provides funds to planning regions based on their proportion of state urban area population. Project eligibility is limited to local roads located on the federal aid system, local bridges, and non-motorized transportation enhancements. Funds can cover 100% of construction costs. |
Local Road Accident Reduction Program | CT DOT | The Local Road Accident Reduction Program provides funding for lower cost safety improvements on local roads. NVCOG’s role in the program is to solicit proposals from the towns, conduct the initial screening of proposals, and identify those which will be forwarded to the Connecticut Department of Transportation. These proposals will then be evaluated by CT DOT and ranked by benefit/cost ratio. |
Local Bridge Program | CT DOT | State provides financial assistance to municipalities for the removal, replacement, reconstruction or rehabilitation of local bridges. Grant covers 15%-50% of project costs. |
Transportation Rural Improvement Program – TRIP | CT DOT | $300,000 requests funds to municipal governments for infrastructure improvements in rural areas of Connecticut. Activities may include transportation capital projects such as construction, modernization, or major repair of infrastructure. |
Drew Baklik
Director of Municipal Affairs