Project Type: Assessment
Activities: Environmental Site Assessments on 4 parcels:
- 2 Factory Street
- 23 Factory Street
- 90 Main Street
- 0 Water Street
The City of Derby received multiple inquiries from private parties regarding city-owned parcels south of Main Street. These parcels have long been part of Derby’s central design district and are approved for high-density, mixed-use development. The City requested NVCOG apply on its behalf for funding through the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s (CT DECD) Municipal Grant Program.
NVCOG was awarded $200,000 to conduct assessment activities in the Derby Main Street South project area. Environmental assessment activities will support the construction of local roads in the area and will target parcels most ready for development. The assessment project is critical to the success of the City of Derby’s $5 million Urban Act grant, which will directly fund construction of local roads and infrastructure.
Project Status: A Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) for assessment services was sent to NVCOG’s pre-qualified short list. Five proposals received. The RBP Project Selection Committee invited Arcadis to enter contract negotiations.
To date, Arcadis has produced:
- 2 Factory Street – Phase I, Phase II, and Hazardous Building Material Survey
- 23 Factory Street – Phase I, Phase II, and Hazardous Building Material Survey
- 90 Main Street – Phase I and Hazardous Building Material Survey
- 0 Water Street – Phase I