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526 North Main Street, Waterbury

Project Type: Assessment

Activities:  The Regional Brownfield Partnership has awarded

NEST, formerly the Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury a $100,000 subgrant for environmental assessment activities at 526 North Main Street, Waterbury. Data will be used to determine the scope of required remediation on-site. The proposed redevelopment of this former industrial site consists of a 100+ unit apartment building with commercial space on the first two floors. NVCOG’s portion of environmental testing is complete; however, the Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury have decided to fund supplemental testing to close out data gaps privately. Elevated levels of

PCBs, PAHs, and asbestos have been identified. 

Project Status: Assessment work is complete. The Neighborhood Housing Services is closing remaining data gaps while the environmental firm Arcadis prepares the site to become eligible for supplemental funding from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development.