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300 Broad Street, Bristol

Project type: Assessment

Activities: The NVCOG awarded 300 Broad Street Property, LLC $83,000 in petroleum assessment funds to conduct environmental assessment activities inside the combined 175,000 square-foot facility and surrounding footprint. The site was historically used for a variety of manufacturing and industrial purposes. The century-old manufacturing complex was constructed in 1915 by Wallace Barnes Company and last occupied by Theis Precision Steel until 2019 and acquired by private developers in 2022. A conceptual RAP, supported by Phase II and Phase III reports valued expected remedial costs between $1 million and $3 million. Once complete, the property owners intend to rehabilitate existing interior space to modern manufacturing and warehouse facilities. Invested funds are expected to leverage several million dollars in private funding and provide dozens of new employment opportunities. 

Project Status: NVCOG has secured an award of $3.7 million from the Department and Economic and Community Development to abate and remediate four existing buildings on the 23-acre site. DECD, NVCOG, and 300 Broad Street Properties LLC. expect to execute an assistance agreement in Summer 2024. Environmental activities, overseen by SLR International, are ongoing.

RFP for the Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials: Proposals for the Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials at 300 Broad Street in Bristol, CT will be accepted at and through September 6, 2024, at 1PM. Responses received after this date and time will not be opened. Proposals transmitted electronically must be submitted in PDF format. Proposals may also be mailed to Ricardo Rodriguez at 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd Fl, Waterbury, CT 06702. Thereafter, proposals will be opened in public and read aloud, virtually, via Microsoft Teams on September 6, 2024, at 2PM. A link to the bid opening will be provided to responding firms or by a request made to or no later than September 5th at 11AM.

RFP for Remedial Action Plan Implementation – Submission deadline November 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM.

Full RFP Package

Addendum #1 (8/13/2024)

Addendum #2 (8/21/2024)

Addendum #3 (8/30/2024)

Public Meeting: An informational meeting was held on July 10, 2024, at 6:30PM in room 1-2 of Bristol City Hall to provide a summary of proposed cleanup activities associated with the development of 300 Broad Street. Related documents are available for review below.

Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives

Meeting Presentation

Meeting Recording