Title VI and Public Participation Planning

Learn more about the NVCOG’s efforts to ensure non-discrimination, enhance accessibility, and engage the community. The NVCOG is seeking feedback to ensure that its planning processes are inclusive to all.

Resilience Improvement Plan

The NVCOG, CRCOG, NECCOG, and NHCOG will assess vulnerabilities of the local transportation infrastructure to the effects of changing climate and develop a Resilience Improvement Plan for the four northern, non-coastal regions of Connecticut.

Regional Vision Zero Action Plan

The NVCOG is developing a Regional Vision Zero Action Plan to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating fatalities and serious injury crashes.

NVCOG Equity Explorer

Map thumbnail for NVEE app

The NVCOG Equity Explorer is a unified platform for tracking socioeconomic and environmental indicators to ensure that fairness, justice, and sustainability remain essential components in all decision-making processes.

Regional Waste Authority Study

This study will analyze existing waste management practices among the 19 municipalities and recommend paths to regionalization. One possible outcome is the formation of a Regional Waste Authority, which could engage in shared services & staff, collaborative purchasing, and regional programming.

Complete Streets Guidebook

The NVCOG Complete Streets Guidebook outlines evidence-based interventions for making streets safer, more vibrant community spaces. The guidebook is a resource for elected officials and public works staff working to transform streets in the NVCOG region into vital, safe community spaces that accommodate all residents.

Housing Needs Assessment

The NVCOG creates Housing Needs Assessments (HNA) to assist its member municipalities in better understanding their housing stock by estimating housing gaps and surpluses and household cost burden.

2025-2028 TIP/STIP

The Transportation Improvement Program is the most important way that local elected officials set the direction of federal transportation spending. The next TIP, which covers federal fiscal years 2025-2028 will begin on October 1st, 2024, and is currently available for the public to review and comment before the MPO boards act to endorse them.

Regional Housing Profile

The NVCOG completed the organization’s first Regional Housing Profile (RHP) in 2022. The Regional Housing Profile compiles data from all 19 communities in the region to create a regional overview of housing trends and provide strategies for improving housing stock and housing affordability.