Statutory Land Use Referrals

The State of Connecticut mandates that municipalities refer specific proposals to amend and/or establish zoning maps and regulations, subdivision plans, and Plans of Conservation and Development to the regional council of governments for advisory review.

Regional Open Space Inventory

The U.S. Forest Service awarded NVCOG a grant to research and catalog priority Open Space parcels across the region. The major deliverable of this project will be a GIS map layer of OS with detailed attributes including ownership, acreage, level of legal protection, public access status, and more.

Regional Flood Resilience

CT DEEP’s Climate Resilience Fund awarded NVCOG a grant to develop and advance culvert replacement and drainage system improvement projects in nine municipalities. This regional effort aims to reduce stormwater flooding, repair infrastructure, and incorporate elements of LID.

Tree Canopy Assessment

The U.S. Forest Service awarded NVCOG a grant to assess, map, and characterize tree cover across the region. A robust tree cover mitigates high temperatures, filters air pollution, and can improve property values and quality of life in urban areas.

VMT Reduction Strategy

In response to the CTDOT’s VMT Reduction Goal, the NVCOG Board adopted this strategy in September of 2023 to identify strategies and prioritize projects aimed at reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled within the region.

Active Transportation Plan

The NVCOG is developing the Active Transportation Plan to enhance walking, rolling, and cycling and to advance mobility equity in the Naugatuck Valley Region.

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Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG)

The 19 Naugatuck Valley municipalities are split among four different planning regions. Each region received 1M dollars to create a Priority Climate Action Plan, Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, and two years of Status Reports. Learn more about your community’s progress.

Waterbury Line Station Projects

The CT Department of Transportation is upgrading all six Waterbury Line Train stations to enhance safety and comfort, making them key community hubs, sources of pride, and gathering places for residents and visitors.

SMM Trash Reduction Pilot Program

The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) has awarded $5 million in Sustainable Materials Management Grants to help CT municipalities address the state’s waste crisis.