Initiatives Shaping Bethlehem

Learn more about the collection of projects, initiatives, plans, and studies each with a unique role in shaping the future of Bethlehem! 


Explore a range of valuable resources that serve the community’s needs and interests.

Municipal Website
Housing Profile (PSC, 2022)
Equity Profile (DataHaven, 2023)
Municipal Profile (AdvanceCT, 2023)
Plan of Conservation and Development
CTDOT Roadway Functional Classification Map

Project Updates

Click on each project image to be redirected to its dedicated project page for detailed information.

Environmental Projects

Community Planning Projects

Brownfields Projects

No current projects.

Transportation Projects

EcoInteractive Project Tracker

NVCOG integrated EcoInteractive, a cutting-edge planning software, to streamline the workflow of the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 

What to expect:

🔍 Browse TIP and LOTCIP projects 

💬 Click on a plan revision, and share your thoughts with a public comment 

🗺 Dive into the interactive map to learn more about active transportation, roadway, transit, and other projects. 

TIP Projects in Bethlehem