NRG Trail Thomaston to Torrington Routing Feasibility Study

The Naugatuck River Greenway Trail Thomaston to Torrington Routing Feasibility Study Report was endorsed by the NVCOG Board on May 8th, 2020.

Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

The final Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and Municipal Annexes have been posted to the NVCOG Hazard Mitigation Plan webpage.  The Plan has been adopted by all 19 NVCOG Communities, and the NVCOG Board endorsed the plan on December 10, 2021.  FEMA approved the plan in January, 2022.   In 2019, NVCOG

SMM Trash Reduction Pilot Program

The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) has awarded $5 million in Sustainable Materials Management Grants to help CT municipalities address the state’s waste crisis.