The NVCOG is committed to knowledge sharing to support informed decision making. Education and training opportunities are thoughtfully crafted to equip land use staff and commissioners with valuable insights and skills. Delve into the offerings and embark on a journey of continuous learning with the NVCOG! 

2024 Aquifer Protection Areas: Working toward Compliance Workshop Series

 The NVCOG and CT DEEP are hosting the Aquifer Protection Areas: Moving Towards Compliance Workshop Series to provide municipal land use staff with helpful techniques for program compliance. The virtual monthly series of events will run until July 2024, and each session is scheduled from 9 AM to 10 AM. To participate, register on Zoom.

Materials & Previous Sessions

This comprehensive resource was developed in collaboration with the NVCOG and CT DEEP for the 2024 APA Workshop Series. The folder equips staff with essential tools and guidance on the Aquifer Protection Area program. It provides templates, examples, and resources tailored to areas of compliance, from regulations adoption to inspections and more. 

Download the support materials guide (PDF)

Download the zip file

Learn the ins and outs of conducting site inspections as a best practice for implementing aquifer protection. This presentation features Melissa Mostowy and Melissa Fahenstock of CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Watch the live recording.

Learn, review and discuss the procedure for Aquifer Protection Area municipal registrations. This presentation was led by Melissa Fahenstock, technical lead for the Municipal Aquifer Protection Area Program at CT DEEP. 

Watch the live recording.

Download Municipal Aquifer Protection Area Registration Processing SOP (PDF)

Learn tips and strategies for creating and maintaining your aquifer protection area website. This presentation was led by Melissa Mostowy, Environmental Analyst for CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Watch the live recording.

Presentation Slides (PDF)

Learn about best practices for aquifer protection area program implementation from registrations, to inspections and enforcement. This presentation was led by Alexis Cherichetti, Senior Environmental Officer and Assistant Director of Planning & Zoning for the City of Norwalk.

Watch the live recording.

Learn about aquifer basics, program overview, municipal responsibilities, and next steps for achieving compliance. This presentation was led by Kim Czapla, Supervising Environmental Analyst at CTDEEP. 

Watch the live recording.

Land Use Education Sessions

Municipal land use staff, including planners, zoning enforcement officers, and administrators, come together for the land use education sessions. These gatherings focus on in-depth discussions and exploration of land use concepts and strategies that address the needs of the region. 

Previous Sessions

The NVCOG had the opportunity to host Dr. Don Poland, PhD, AICP, Managing Director & SVP, Planning & Strategy, of Goman+York Property Advisors, for a Housing Coffee Hour on Housing and School Enrollment. 

This presentation explores the connection between housing development, demographic changes, and school enrollment using case studies and data from Connecticut.

Watch the live recording.

Presentation Slides (PDF)

The NVCOG was pleased to host Mike Glidden, CFM, CZEO, Town Planner for the Town of Cheshire, for a Land Use Coffee Hour on Short-Term Rentals.

Previously the Director of Planning and Community Development for the Town of Simsbury, Mike was instrumental in the adoption of the Town’s Short-Term Rental Ordinance. Simsbury’s Short-Term Rental Ordinance serves as a helpful template for municipalities throughout the State struggling with the regulation of short-term rental properties. The ordinance, zoning regulations, presentation slides, and recording of Mike’s presentation can be found below.

Watch the live recording.

Presentation Slides (PDF)

Town of Simsbury Short-Term Rental Ordinance 2021 (PDF)

Town of Simsbury Zoning Regulations 2023 (PDF) 

NVCOG partnered with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) to host a Housing Lunch and Learn event. The event was held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at the NVCOG offices. 

This Lunch & Learn covered the new CHFA State Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) and discussed data specific to the Naugatuck Valley planning region.

Professionals involved in housing-related fields, housing advocates, land use staff, planners, and community stakeholders, and anyone interested in housing issues are encouraged to attend.

Watch the live recording.

NVCOG hosted a hybrid event on May 10, 2023, at the NVCOG offices. The event featured the guest presenter Becky A. Bradley, AICP, Executive Director of the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, who shared invaluable insights on how their region planned for increased warehousing and distribution uses. In Becky’s presentation, she shared data, insights on the economic impact, and a comprehensive freight management guide.

Watch the live recording.

2023 Sec. 8-4c Land Use Commissioner Training

The NVCOG hosted two successful land use training sessions in September 2023 for commissioners from the planning region and beyond to comply with CGS Section 8-4c. The sessions equipped Planning, Zoning, Planning and Zoning and Zoning Board of Appeals Commissioners in the Naugatuck Valley Region with tools and insights for navigating complex land-use decisions and provided a platform for networking and idea exchange.

Previous Sessions


A special thanks to our partners!

Live Recording

Watch the live recording.

PDF Slides

Download the topic-specific presentation slides (PDF) for each presenter.

Additional Resources


A special thanks to our partners!

  • City of Ansonia
  • Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaption (CIRCA)
  • CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)
  • Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC)
  • State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

Live Recording

Watch the live recording.

PDF Slides

Download the topic-specific presentation slides (PDF) for each presenter.