Naugatuck Valley Conference on
Fostering Equitable Development
NVision 2022 was a one-day regional conference that brought together stakeholders from the public and private sectors, elected officials, and community members to discuss our region’s future.
This year’s discussions and presentations were underpinned by the concept of equity. Interactive sessions with expert panelists helped frame the Greater Naugatuck Valley’s path on key issues related to:
- Transportation
- Affordable Housing
- Public Involvement
The conference featured an engaging agenda that included appearances from Guest Speakers Governor Ned Lamont and Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary. It took place at the Palace Theater in Waterbury, CT. This event was free and open to everyone.
“Moving the Masses May be Micro” Presentation & Panel
As energy prices continue to rise and roadway safety is increasingly in focus, Connecticut and the nation are turning toward walking, biking, and other micro-mobility solutions to make up gaps in the transportation system. Bikes, scooters, hoverboards, and other personal transport devices provide a more, but not perfectly, attainable alternative to car ownership, especially for lower-income individuals living in or near urban centers.
This session provided an overview of the current state of infrastructure, legality, and safety barriers to more widespread adoption of micro-mobility devices, as well as discussed ways that municipalities and the COG can work together to improve access.
“Home-Field Advantages of Local Affordable Housing” Presentation & Panel
The location, size, and type of affordable housing development is inherently a local level decision. However, over the last few years, many municipalities in the Naugatuck Valley Region have faced similar housing-related challenges that are changing the housing conditions of our communities.
This session explored how affordable housing development can create opportunities for economic and social mobility and how meeting the needs of all residents creates more resilient and diverse communities.
“Justice Isn’t Just Us: Pursuing an Equitable Environment” Presentation & Panel
Many communities affected by Environmental Justice issues have historically been left out of planning and decision making processes. Involving community members and organizations not only enhances understanding of and by the target population, but it is also fundamental to identifying the best way to meet the community’s needs.
This session explored the significance of Environmental Justice and narrowed in on strategies to build the community’s capacity to be meaningfully involved in the environmental decisions that affect their lives.
A Special Thank You to our Partners Eversource & Avangrid
Without the generous support of Eversource and Avangrid, this event would not have been possible. Click below to explore their slides and recordings of their speeches.
Eversource Recording | Eversource Slides
Avangrid Recording | Avangrid Slides