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NVCOG Land Use Brief

The NVCOG Land Use Brief serves as a resource for municipal staff to support local-level decision making on land use topics.

For information and PDF downloads on specific land use topics, click on the corresponding tabs below.

In the Fall edition of the NVCOG Land Use Brief, staff explain how CGS Sec. 8-1c(b) may be utilized by land use commissions and provide examples from municipalities within the region that have adopted this tool in their zoning regulations.

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The Connecticut General Assembly enacted a variety of statutory land use changes during their 2023 Legislative Session. In the Summer edition of the NVCOG Land Use Brief, staff cover pertinent land use changes that matter for land use commissioners in the Naugatuck Valley region. This issue covers the zoning, planning, commission, and municipal updates that relate to land use. 

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In the Spring edition of the NVCOG Land Use Brief, staff created a document to assist municipal staff in ensuring that outdoor dining regulations comply with the new considerations of CGS Section 8-1cc, effective May 1, 2023.

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Municipal Land Use Best Practice

The quarterly “Municipal Land Use Best Practice” spotlight, curated by the NVCOG Community Planning staff, is dedicated to showcasing municipal best practices. Designed to serve as a valuable resource for Town Planners, Commissioners, and land use staff, each edition features an exemplary initiative from a municipality in the Naugatuck Valley region.

The City of Shelton effectively maintains its natural spaces and promotes resident participation through various community-driven events. Read on to learn more about their successful model!

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The Town of Seymour shares a land use best practice to encourage interdepartmental coordination and transparency in its permit application process. Read on to learn more about the function of their “First Step” Zoning and Building Compliance Application Form and to download the Form.  

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Woodbury’s Town Planner, William Agresta, AICP, MLA, shares insights into their municipal best practice for variance applications. By providing a comprehensive guide to applicants and commission members, Woodbury ensures an informed and participatory process, promoting alternatives that align with regulations and save both time and cost. This commitment to accessible information exemplifies how municipalities can enhance community engagement and decision-making in land use matters.

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The Southbury Planning Department created a brochure entitled, “How to Legalize Unpermitted Work” to assist property owners on how to navigate the process when work is done without a permit. 

Judi Lynch, Southbury’s Planning Director, states that the reason for creating the brochure was to reduce the fear of residents to come forward with unpermitted work. No one wishes to confess or be caught doing something ‘wrong,’ so the hope is that this brochure can aid with diminishing those fears. In addition, the brochure aims to educate property owners to prevent any impediments in real estate activity such as obtaining insurance or affecting a closing. 

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Discover how Naugatuck’s unique approach, led by Town Planner, Lori Rotella, fosters strong connections with local businesses.

This strategy not only bolsters economic growth but also creates a vibrant environment where trust, collaboration, and open communication flourish. Naugatuck’s commitment to building a dynamic and engaged community provides valuable insights for land use professionals to adopt.

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Sustainability Spotlight

Dive into the ‘Sustainability Spotlight’ by the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments, a municipal guide to blending sustainability with land use regulations. 

Learn how to leverage subdivision regulations to secure valuable open space.

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Uncover creative ideas and hands-on approaches to foster a greener, more sustainable future. 

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Staff Contact:

Savannah-Nicole Villalba, AICP, AZT
Community Planning Director