Regional Vulnerabilities and Resilience Opportunities

Following up on the winter workshops, join the Resilient Connecticut team for their spring series across New Haven and Fairfield Counties.

This workshop will focus on the regional vulnerability results that emerged from their outreach, research, and technical analysis. The workshop will present highly vulnerable areas and potential resilience opportunity areas. The workshop will include small group collaborative exercises to explore select resilience opportunity areas.

Your local knowledge and expertise are important as they wrap up this phase of the Resilient Connecticut project. We encourage you to learn more by reading the project’s story map and use the “Provide Input” tab to help shape resilient communities in our region.

Please register by May 20, 2021, at the following:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email on how to join the virtual meeting. Participants also receive information beforehand to prepare for this collaborative workshop.Resilient CT Second NVCOG Workshop

For language assistance or other accommodations, contact CIRCA at
Para asistencia con el idioma y otras adaptaciones, por favor póngase en contacto con CIRCA al
Para obter assistência língua ou outras acomodações, entre em contato com CIRCA em
Pour obtenir de l’aide linguistique ou d’autres mesures d’adaptation, contactez CIRCA à
Aby uzyskać pomoc językową lub inne zakwaterowanie, skontaktuj się z firmą CIRCA pod adresem