GWTD Meeting

The Greater Waterbury Transit District Board will hold its quarterly meeting on December 9th, at 10:30 am, via ZOOM. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all GWTD Board meetings have switched…

GWTD Virtual Meeting

The Greater Waterbury Transit District Board will hold its quarterly meeting on March 10th, at 10:00 am, via ZOOM. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all GWTD Board meetings have switched…

Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee

*Rescheduled from November 11*  Regular Meeting of the Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee Members of the public are welcome and can send a request for a meeting login link to…

Kinneytown Dam Removal

For nearly two centuries, migratory fish have been blocked from most of the Naugatuck River by Kinneytown Dam in Seymour.  That continues today, with the facility no longer producing electricity…

MTP 2050

NVision50: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the NVCOG and the Central Naugatuck Valley MPO lays out a comprehensive vision for transportation in our region leading up to 2050.

Metropolitan Transportation Plan

I-84 in Waterbury

An opportunity to turn data and public input into a 25-year vision for transportation in the NVCOG Region.    Updating Our Plan The public outreach period for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan…

VMT Reduction Strategy

[…] the total number of miles driven by personal cars across a given area. A reduction in VMT typically yields benefits for congestion, air quality, and can help reduce costs for drivers.

Tree Canopy Assessment

The U.S. Forest Service awarded NVCOG a grant to assess, map, and characterize tree cover across the region. A robust tree cover mitigates high temperatures, filters air pollution, and can […]