Naugatuck River Greenway Routing Study: Thomaston


Regional Naugatuck River Greenway Routing Study Final Report: Thomaston, Connecticut | 1 Table of Contents 1. Overview ……………………………………………………………… ………………….. 3 2. Mission and Goals …………………………………………………………….. ………….. 5 3. Study Methodology…

Regional Plan of Conservation and Development 2008

Central Naugatuck Valley REGIONAL PLAN OF CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 200 8 Prepared by the Council of Governments of the Central Naugatuck Valley Taft School WATERTOWN Farm BETHLEHEM Town Center THOMASTON…

Connecticut Conservation & Development Policies 2013

Central Naugatuck Valley REGIONAL PLAN OF CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 200 8 Prepared by the Council of Governments of the Central Naugatuck Valley Taft School WATERTOWN Farm BETHLEHEM Town Center THOMASTON…

NVCOG Annual Report 2017 – 2018

1 | Page Report to the Connecticut General Assembly Committees on Planning & Development Co -Chair s: Senator Steve Cassano, Senator George S. Logan Representative Roland J. Lemar and Finance,…

CNVR Fiscal Impact Report 2000

Central Naugatuck Valley Region FISCAL IMPACT REGIONAL SUMMARY REPORT Council of Governments Central Naugatuck Valley The pictures on the cover were arranged in relation to each communities general location in…