Waterbury, CT – The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) takes immense pride in announcing its proactive response to the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction goal. NVCOG has diligently developed a comprehensive set of reduction strategies to ensure a sustainable future for transportation in the greater Naugatuck Valley region.

The CTDOT recently announced its ambitious target to reduce VMT by 5% by the year 2030. VMT reduction is crucial for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing congestion, and promoting sustainable transportation choices. Recognizing the significance of this initiative, NVCOG, in alignment with its mission to provide transportation planning and regional assistance to its member municipalities, has actively engaged in research and analysis to devise comprehensive solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by the Naugatuck Valley region.

The prepared response encompasses a multifaceted approach, targeting various aspects of transportation and mobility. From enhancing public transit options and promoting active transportation alternatives to encouraging zoning and development policies centered around transit-oriented development, these strategies aim to create a sustainable and efficient transportation system for the residents and businesses of the region and the state.

Key Reduction Strategies Proposed by NVCOG include:

1. Enhancing Public Transportation Infrastructure:

NVCOG is committed to developing and expanding existing public transportation services, making them more accessible, reliable, and user-friendly. This includes improving connectivity across the region, enhancing last-mile connections, and increasing the frequency of services. 

2. Promoting Active Transportation:

In order to reduce dependency on private vehicles, NVCOG will prioritize the promotion of active transportation modes such as walking, rolling, cycling, shared micro mobility options, and the implementation of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure.

The full VMT Reduction Strategy can be accessed via the NVCOG website at https://nvcogct.gov/project/vmt-reduction-strategy/.