For Immediate Release: October 27, 2023
Thomas Dougherty
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments
Middlebury, CT – The Town of Middlebury and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) will host an informational webinar about Middlebury’s Trash Reduction Pilot on November 9th at 6 – 7:30pm. This webinar is geared towards any Middlebury resident who wants to learn more about the program, ask questions, or share feedback. It will also be posted online for future viewing on the NVCOG Reduce The Trash Facebook page and NVCOG’s SMM website page.
The webinar will include a slideshow with information on unit-based pricing and organics diversion, along with videos, best practices and resident testimonies. The webinar will conclude with a survey to gather participant feedback.
Middlebury’s pilot involves the distribution of trash (orange) and food scrap (green) bags to residents. Residents dispose of green food scrap bags in a “food waste” container located at the Transfer Station and orange trash bags in the usual dumpster. The pilot challenges residents to cut their trash in half by using only two orange bags and one green bag per week. The initial year’s supply of bags has been provided to transfer station users at no cost and will be available at the Middlebury Transfer Station if you have not already received yours. A broad base of support for this effort from community organizations across the state shows promise for solving Connecticut’s waste disposal capacity issue.
To register for the webinar, use the link There will also be a registration link on the Middlebury town website calendar and the calendar at