Contact: Thomas Dougherty, NVCOG | 203-725-3096
Middlebury Announces Compost and Herb Giveaway Event to Promote Trash Reduction Pilot
Middlebury, CT – The Town of Middlebury, with support from the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG), will host a Compost & Herb Giveaway for Middlebury’s Trash Reduction Pilot participants. This event will be held at the Middlebury Transfer Station located at 1 Service Rd, Middlebury, CT 06762 on Saturday October 7th from 10am – 1pm. The giveaway includes a free biodegradable peat pot, your choice of herb, and compost.
Middlebury’s Trash Reduction Pilot’s effort to reduce trash and divert organics, began on July 1st for Transfer Station users, and is funded by the Sustainable Materials Management Grants Program from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Current pilot participants and Transfer Station users who wish to participate in the pilot are invited to stop by this giveaway and see how their trash reduction efforts are delivering positive outcomes. The compost used to grow the herbs will be provided by Quantum Biopower in Southington, the anerobic digestion facility that pilot participant food scraps are sent to.
Middlebury’s pilot involves the distribution of free trash bags (orange) and food scrap bags (green) to Transfer Station users. Residents are asked to dispose of green food scrap bags in a “food waste” container located at the Transfer Station and dispose of their orange trash bags in the usual dumpster. The initial year’s supply of bags will be available at the Middlebury Transfer Station if you have not already received yours. A broad base of support for these programs among community organizations across the state shows promise for solving CT’s waste crisis.