Aaron Budris
Environmental Planning Director
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments
The NVCOG is Hosting a Backyard Composter and Rain Barrel Sale at the Seymour Community Center
The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) is offering backyard composters, rain barrels, and related accessories at wholesale prices to residents of the Naugatuck Valley Region. Residents can pre-order at the NVCOG online store ( through Thursday, May 2, 2024. Please note that items will not be sold at the event; this is a pick-up event only. Items will be available for pick-up on Saturday, May 4, 2024, between 10 am – 1 pm at the Seymour Community Center, 20 Pine Street, Seymour, CT.
Backyard composters are a great way for residents to turn food and yard waste into valuable compost that can be used to amend soil for vegetables, flowers, and lawns. Composting complements principles from the food waste diversion pilots that were recently undertaken with CT DEEP grants in four Naugatuck Valley municipalities. Rain barrels can provide a reliable source of chemical free water for outdoor uses such as watering lawns and gardens by collecting rainwater. Over the last three years, Naugatuck Valley residents have purchased 248 composters, representing the maximum possible capacity to remove an estimated 124,000 lbs. of organics from the regional waste stream annually, as well as 206 rain barrels.
In providing these products at affordable prices and promoting their use to residents, the NVCOG strives to help communities reduce the volume and cost of municipal solid waste disposal by diverting organics from the waste stream and help conserve drinking water by providing an alternative water source for outdoor needs. The public is encouraged to visit the NVCOG webpage for more information and resources on backyard composting, including a video of an informational workshop with a Master Composter.