Waterbury Regional Bus Ridership Study 2011

Waterbury Regional Bus  Ridership  Study 2011            Council  of  Governments  of  the  Central  Naugatuck  Valley   www.cogcnv.org     Waterbury Regional  Bus  Ridership  Study  2011   i       …

Congestion Management System Report: 2008

Central Naugatuck Valley Region Congestion Management System Report: 2008 Council of Governments of the Central Naugatuck Valley September 2008 Approved by the Council of Governments: November 14, 2008 TITLE: CONGESTIO…

NVCOG Bylaws

Bylaws of the N augatuck Valley Council of Governments Adopted February 20, 2015 Amendments December 11, 2015 – Article X June 17 , 2016 – Articles I, V, VI, VII,…

Annual Report 2012

COGCNV  STAFF   Peter Dorpalen,  Executive Director  Samuel  Gold, Senior  Planner   Joe  Perrelli ,  Senior Planner    Pat  Gallagher,  Regional Planner   Glenda  Prentiss,  GIS Coordinator   Aaron  Budris,  Planning  Assistant,  GIS  Lauren  Rizzo, Administrative  Assistant  Patricia…

West Main Street Corridor Study – Waterbury

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) intends to select one qualified multidisciplinary team to conduct a corridor study along West Main Street in the City of Waterbury, Connecticut related…


Grant Opportunities NVCOG receives and administers a variety of federal, state, and private grants.  We also provide support to municipalities and non-profits in our region to help locate and apply…

NVCOG Off to a Great Start

Map of the NVCOG Planning Region

BY ED EDELSON AND KURT MILLER  Following certification by the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM), the newly formed Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) held the first meeting…

Sustainable CT to hold regional sustainability forums

Sustainable CT, a partnership of municipal leaders, philanthropic foundations, the Institute for Sustainable Energy, and other stakeholders, is soliciting input for residents’ vision for sustainable towns and cities in our…

NRG Steering Committee

NRG Steering Committee Group Shot

The Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee (NRGSC) is made up of representatives from all 11 municipalities along the NRG corridor along with regional, state and federal representatives and other stakeholders…