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To view minutes and agendas for meetings after March 8, 2019, please use the Calendar and select the month of the event.  For meeting minutes and agendas before March 8, 2019, please visit the Calendar Archive.

Kinneytown Dam Community Meeting

Ansonia Senior Center 65 Main Street, Ansonia

We want to hear from you! Bring your questions about the Kinneytown Dam removal project to our first public community meeting. Join us for a film screening, a discussion around […]

Complete Streets Lunch & Learn

NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

NVCOG hosted an educational event to discuss Complete Streets, featuring Bill Voelker, FAICP and Al Sylvestre, AICP. This event was intended for Public Works staff, engineers, designers, and professionals responsible for managing the public right-of-way. View live recording.


NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Regular meeting of NVCOG and the CNVMPO

Transit Try-it Day

Waterbury Green Park Waterbury, Connecticut, United States

Never rode the bus? Try it for free! As part of Connecticut Sustainability and Resiliency Week, we want everyone to experience an eco-friendly way to get around: a hybrid-electric bus! Join us for a free, short ride around Waterbury to learn the ropes and have transit experts answer your questions. We will also check out […]

Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Nonnewaug High School 5 Minortown Rd, Woodbury, United States

NVCOG administers a 15-town Household Hazardous Waste collection region for residents of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethlehem, Derby, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Thomaston, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott, and Woodbury. HHW events give residents the opportunity to properly dispose of hazardous materials that are commonly used in the home including paint, pesticides, household cleaners, poisons, and […]

TTAC Regular Meeting

NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Regular meeting of the NVCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee Agenda View the live recording          

NVCOG & Hispanic Coalition Reunión Pública

Hispanic Coalition of Greater Waterbury 233 Mill Street, 3rd Floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Únase a nosotros para discutir el Estudio de Calmado de Tráfico Residencial en Waterbury El Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) invita a los residentes de Waterbury a participar en […]

Wolcott Trail Study In-Person Public Meeting

Wolcott Town Hall 10 Kenea Ave, Wolcott, CT, United States

The Town of Wolcott and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) invite the community to discuss the potential development of a new trail connection between Woodtick Recreation Area and Peterson Park. An in-person public meeting is set to take place on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 6:00 PM at Wolcott Town Hall, 10 Kenea […]

Wolcott Trail Study Virtual Public Meeting

Zoom Virtual Meeting CT

The Town of Wolcott and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) invite the community to discuss the potential development of a new trail connection between Woodtick Recreation Area and Peterson Park. A virtual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM on Zoom. Participants can join the meeting by using the […]


NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Regular meeting of NVCOG and the CNVMPO

Coffee Hour Webinar: CGS Sec. 8-30g Affordable Housing Appeals Process

Zoom Virtual Meeting CT

The NVCOG and the CT Department of Housing are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 11:00 AM with Michael C. Santoro, to take an in-depth look at the CGS Sec. 8-30g Affordable Housing Appeals Process. Register here. We encourage Land Use Staff, Land Use Commissioners, developers, and community members to attend. In partnership with the Connecticut Chapter […]

ColleCTive Climate Action Forum

CT State Community College Middlesex Training Hill Road, Middletown, Connecticut, United States

Wednesday October 23rd; 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Middlesex Community College; 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT 06457 Registration here: Over the past year, Councils of Government (COGs) across […]

Making Sense of the American Community Survey (ACS) Lunch & Learn

NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Learn about how data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) is collected, and how you can access and utilize it for your grant writing, research, community development plans, and more. The presentation will be given by a Data Dissemination Specialist from the U.S. Census Bureau and will cover: Background information about the […]


NVCOG 49 Leavenworth Street, 3rd floor, Waterbury, CT, United States

Regular meeting of NVCOG and the CNVMPO