The Transportation Alternatives Program provides funding to municipalities for transportation improvements, which includes: transit, transportation equity, safe routes to school, multi-use trails, and supporting transit dependent groups residing in low-income areas. This program requires a 20% non-federal local match. Funds are made available to the State through the FHWA and are administered by CTDOT.
Project evaluation & selection will be completed in coordination with MetroCOG, WestCOG, CRCOG, NVCOG, & SCRCOG. Interested parties are requested to contact the NVCOG for their specific urban area interest sheet before completing an application or taking any additional steps. Submit project proposal to NVCOG by April 26, 2024. Complete applications will need to be submitted to CTDOT by June 28, 2024.
For questions about the program, or assistance with applications, please contact Rich Donovan, Transportation Planning Director, at