Composter Sale Pickup

  Place your order for a backyard composter, rain barrel, or accessories on or before May 11th. Then pick up your products on May 13th between 1pm at 4pm at…

Berlin 161 Massirio Drive

missario drive in berlin

Project Type: Assessment Activities: Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments NVCOG has conducted an environmental assessment in order to facilitate potential site transfer. The property is improved by…

CNVR Fiscal Impact Report 2000

Central Naugatuck Valley Region FISCAL IMPACT REGIONAL SUMMARY REPORT Council of Governments Central Naugatuck Valley The pictures on the cover were arranged in relation to each communities general location in…

NVCOG Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2019-2045

MET R OPOLITAN TRANSPORTA T ION PLAN 2019 – 2045 1 Title: Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Naugatuck Valley Planning Region: 2019 -2045 Author: Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments Date:…