NVCOG Annual Report 2017 – 2018

1 | Page Report to the Connecticut General Assembly Committees on Planning & Development Co -Chair s: Senator Steve Cassano, Senator George S. Logan Representative Roland J. Lemar and Finance,…

NVCOG MTP 2019-2045 Executive Summary

DRAFT Metropolitan Transportation Plan: 2019 ~ 2045 For the Naugatuck Valley Planning Region & Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Area February 2019 Title: Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Naugatuck Valley…

Transit Oriented Development in the Lower Naugatuck Valley


Transit Oriented Development Model Zoning & Financial Tools in the Lower Naugatuck Valley: August 2016 Trish BauerOffice/Financial Manager Arthur Bogen Environmental Planner Aaron Budris Regional Planner/GIS Specialist John DiCarlo Municipal…

Naugatuck Valley Regional Economic Profile 2014


N V Eonomi Po 2014 A Report by the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments ii ii Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments Executive Committee  Neil O’Leary, Mayor, Waterbury ? Chairman…

Animal Shelter Feasibility Study

Council of Governments of the Central Naugatuck Valley (COGCNV) Regional Animal Control Facility Feasibility Study 49 Leavenworth Street, Suite 303 Waterbury, Connecticut S/P+A Project No. 13.014 Draft Report: November 14,…