CT Geodata Portal The Mission of the Geospatial Data Portal is to provide high-quality geospatial data for Connecticut data practitioners across all sectors and industries. By hosting, aggregating, and sharing trusted and reliable geospatial data, our users can expect to easily find trusted data.

CT DOT Open Data
Easily search for the latest transportation data and geospatial content published by the Connecticut Department of Transportation.  

CT ECO (Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online)
Maps and geospatial data for planning, management, education, and research.

CT DEEP GIS Data Downloads
DEEP (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection).  Download natural resource and environmental data in Shapefile or Geodatabase format.

UConn MAGIC – CT GIS data
The UConn Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) is part of the UConn library. They maintain a collection of GIS data available as Shapefiles, KML (for Google Earth), and a map preview option that utilizes Google Maps.

CT Broadband Mapping Hub
Provides access to curated data sources on broadband access and adoption.

CT Data Collaborative
Connecticut’s official source for Census data and other state data sets.

CT Open Data Portal
Data provided by Connecticut State Agencies.

USDA National Wetlands Inventory
NWI data can be accessed in several ways depending on your needs.

DataHaven – DataHaven creates and shares information in the form of  published reports, maps, raw datasets, and external resources, especially the Community Wellbeing Survey.

CTDOT Visualization Tool – Crash Data Dashboards – The mission of the CT Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) is to support CTDOT in developing and maintaining a state-of-the-art crash data entry, collection, and safety analysis system. 

CTDOT Interactive Travel Information Map
This map shows current traffic conditions and travel resources.

CT Planning Regions Approved to Become County Equivalents – A story map published by CTOPM on the Census Bureau’s approval of a proposal to recognize Connecticut’s nine planning regions as the statistical equivalent of counties for the purpose of tabulating and publishing future Census data.

USGS – The National Map Viewer
USGS topographic maps, land use, imagery, and natural hazards are all included.

Sentinel-2 10-Meter Land Use/Land Cover Explorer 
Created with machine learning workflows applied to Sentinel-2 imagery, these maps provide the most detailed view of our changing landscape.

Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool – Find disadvantaged communities when applying to a “covered program” from the Federal Government that falls in the scope of the Justice40 initiative. Requested in most federal grants, unless otherwise stated.

Equitable Transportation Community Explorer – Providing users a deeper insight into the Transportation disadvantage component of CEJST (see above) by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Can be used to support CEJST data with U.S. DOT grants.

Areas of Persistent Poverty & Historically Disadvantaged Communities – Provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation for the application process for RAISE grants.

EJScreen – EPA’s environmental justice mapping and screening tool that provides EPA with a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic socioeconomic indicators. Should be used for EPA grants, especially for brownfield grants.

CDC/ATSDR Environmental Justice Index Explorer – The Environmental Justice Index (EJI) is the first national, place-based tool designed to measure the cumulative impacts of environmental burden through the lens of human health and health equity by the CDC and ATSDR.

Connecticut Distressed Municipalities and Block Groups – Updated annually, the Distressed Municipalities’ lists identify the state’s most fiscally and economically distressed municipalities and are used by state agencies to target funding. Can be used when applying for grants from CT DECD.

CT Environmental Justice Screening Tool – The CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the University of Connecticut’s CT Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA)  identify vulnerable populations that may be disproportionately impacted by programs, policies, or projects in the state. Use only for grants from CT DEEP.

NVCOG Title VI Plan – Our program addresses Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requirements specific to the law and to subsequent implementation guidance. Environmental justice analysis of the NVCOG region was conducted as part of the plan. The local EJ community analysis could be used to support grant applications.

CT ECO (Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online) -PDF maps
Town level maps to print or view. Includes Aquifer Protection Area, Natural Diversity Data Base Areas, Soils, Orthophotography and more.

CTDOT Transportation-Related Mapping
Download town road map (TRU) data in DGN, DXF and DWG formats and view state transportation and traffic maps in PDF format.

CLEAR – Watershed Maps
Town level maps of watersheds that make up each town, to print or view.

Metro-North Rail Map/Schedule
Map of the stations and lines along with schedules.

CT Transit Bus Routes/Schedules
Maps for each bus route and schedules.

Esri – ArcGIS software
ArcGIS is the most widely used GIS software in the country.

QGIS – Free
QGIS is the best GIS tool in the free and open-source software (FOSS) community.

Google Earth – Free
Google earth is a 3D interface to the planet.

GRASS (Open Source) GIS Software – Free
GRASS  is a free and open source GIS software suite used in academic, governmental agencies and commercial settings for geospatial data management and analysis.

UConn Geospatial Training Program
Training workshops are available for a reasonable fee.

Esri Training – Whether you’re brand-new to ArcGIS or a seasoned GIS professional who wants to master the latest technology, we have the resources to help you achieve your goals.

Connecticut Trail Finder A free, interactive mapping site designed to help Connecticut residents and visitors find hiking, walking, snowshoeing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and paddling trails across the state. earth by Earth Null School A visualization of global weather conditions forecast, ocean surface current estimates, ocean surface temperatures, ocean waves, and aurora by supercomputers. LightningMaps.org by Blitzortung.org A community project with free lightning maps and apps. The Ship Map by Kiln This award-winning interactive map shows the movements of the global merchant fleet over the course of 2012. Genealogy of Connecticut Towns A map of the towns of Connecticut with date of their estalishment and parent towns for those created from another town.

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