On Wednesday, March 9, the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA) will host a public informational session in Bristol about a new project underway to develop a “watershed based plan” for the Pequabuck River basin. A flyer for the event is linked here.
As noted by FRWA’s Executive Director, Eileen Fielding, there are several reasons to do an updated plan. “The Pequabuck Valley has beautiful upper reaches and tributaries. And the main stem of the Pequabuck runs through built-up, paved areas where rain and snowmelt flush contaminated water into the river. A plan can guide us in protecting the good spots and finding remedies where there are pollution problems.” An additional reason for the plan is financial. Fielding adds, “This type of plan is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before certain kinds of funding can be requested for projects along the Pequabuck River. A completed plan could make it easier for towns or agencies to get help for projects to reduce polluted stormwater runoff.”
Many partners are involved, including representatives from the towns along the river, the Pequabuck River Watershed Association, the Connecticut River Watershed Council, and Trout Unlimited. The planning is funded in part by the CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection through a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant.
The project will examine the whole Pequabuck drainage area, including Poland River and Coppermine Brook. Portions of the waterways are not meeting their “designated uses” because of pollution problems. The study seeks to identify sources of pollution, and develop a plan for protecting and improving water quality. Technical work is being handled by Princeton Hydro Engineering, with assistance from all partners.
According to Michael Martin, environmental scientist at Princeton Hydro, “It’s important for local people to know about the project and share their thoughts at an early stage. The March 9 presentation will show where we are in the process, and what the plan will focus on. We also want to hear from people, so it’s a two-way exchange of information about the river.”
All are invited to attend at 7 PM on March 9 in Room 3 of Bristol Public Library, 5 High Street. Please contact Aimee Petras, apetras@frwa.org or 860-658-4442 x201 with any questions.