A public hearing on proposed changes to Greater Bridgeport Transit service changes will take place
Tuesday, August 22, 6:00 p.m.
in the
Margaret E Morton Government Center
First Floor Conference Rooms
999 Broad St, Bridgeport
GBT is proposing to raise the base fare from $1.75 to $2, all day pass fares from $4 to $5, and Access ADA service from $3.50 to $4. The 7-day and 31-day pass costs would remain unchanged.
GBT is also proposing the following route changes:
- Route 3 – Elimination of the Sacred Heart University deviation (service from Downtown Bridgeport to Westfield Trumbull Mall via Madison Avenue)
- Route 7 – Minor rerouting (service from downtown Bridgeport to Carolton Hospital in Fairfield)
- Route 10 – A change to a 60-minute frequency all day (service from Fairfield to Stratford via. Bridgeport)
- Route 14 – Suspension of service (service between Trumbull Mall and Monroe)
- Route 16 – Suspension of service (local Stratford Service)
- Route 20 – Suspension of service (service from Trumbull Mall to the Clock Tower Shopping Center in Monroe)
- Route 23 – Rerouting and minor scheduled adjustments (service from downtown Bridgeport to the Derby Train Station, via Stratford and Sikorsky)
- GBT Access – A reduction in the ADA service area (Paratransit service for seniors and persons with a disability)