Transit Try-it Day

Never rode the bus? Try it for free!

As part of Connecticut Sustainability and Resiliency Week, we want everyone to experience an eco-friendly way to get around: a hybrid-electric bus! Join us for a free, short ride around Waterbury to learn the ropes and have transit experts answer your questions. We will also check out the Naugatuck River Greenway at Platt Park – another great way to get around while reducing your footprint.

  • Monday, September 23, 2024
  • 10 AM – 11 AM
  • We will meet on the East End of the Waterbury Green (near the horse statue) – across from 2 North Main Street. Park in the new Municipal Parking lot on Prospect Street.


Hosted by the State of Connecticut Sustainability & Resiliency Week, NVCOG, and CTrides.


2025 – 2028 TIP/STIP Public Meeting

A public meeting to discuss the 2025-2028 TIP/STIP will be held on March 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the NVCOG Offices (49 Leavenworth Street 3rd floor Waterbury, CT). Residents of all 19 municipalities are encouraged to attend.

For those unable to attend in-person, a zoom option is available at for virtual participation. Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling +1 929 205 6099 and entering the Meeting ID when prompted: 822 7242 6344.

Watch the live recording of this meeting on the NVCOG YouTube Channel




NVCOG Engineers Take on Transportation Resilience International Conference on Extreme Weather and Climate Change in Washington, D.C.

In November, NVCOG Transportation Engineers Karen Svetz and Kevin Ellis attended the Transportation Resilience International Conference on Extreme Weather and Climate Change Challenges held at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington, D.C.

Attendees learned about emerging best practices and state-of-the-art research results on how to adapt transportation networks to the potential impacts of climate change and extreme weather events that are becoming increasingly prevalent in our country and around the world.

During the conference, presenters from the Federal Highway Administration, other states, as well as other countries, shared how they conduct research, collect data, analyze the data, quantify the risk, and prepare resilience plans. The objective of the planning is to identify resilience needs, develop specific strategies to anticipate, prepare for and mitigate events that put the transportation network at risk of disruption and damage.

Climate-related events can damage roads, bridges, railways, ports, and other transportation assets. These events include river and stream flooding, changes in sea level, drought, excessive rainfall, wildfires, changes in temperature, and the like.

With the likelihood of these events increasing in frequency, it is important to create plans and strategies with the expectation that the damages, deaths, and disruption to the affected communities can be better anticipated and reduced. 

PRESS RELEASE: NVCOG Implements EcoInteractive to Revolutionize Transportation Planning Workflow

For Immediate Release: November 29, 2023 

Richard Donovan   
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments   

(Waterbury, CT) –  The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) proudly announces the integration of EcoInteractive, a cutting-edge planning software, to streamline the workflow of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program  (LOTCIP). By integrating this innovative technology, NVCOG aims to ensure effective collaboration and achieve sustainable transportation planning goals. 

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a critical planning tool that guides the allocation of federal funds for transportation projects in our region. Metropolitan Planning Organizations maintain a TIP to manage federal transportation spending, ensuring that projects work to enhance safety, capacity, and reliability of the region’s transportation network. By applying EcoInteractive’s advanced capabilities, NVCOG aims to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the TIP process, ultimately leading to more effective project selection and implementation.  

EcoInteractive offers NVCOG a centralized platform that allows for improved coordination and communication between the COG’s staff, municipalities, and CTDOT. As MPOs must approve all federal spending before projects can begin, streamlining this process will reduce delays and errors in the process while also providing additional visibility into projects and plans to the public. Similarly, the LOTCIP program, which uses state funds managed by the COG to support municipal transportation projects, will be centralized within the system to ensure that the public remains informed of project progress while also ensuring a simple and effective means of communication between the COG and municipal project sponsors.

A key feature of the new system, the public facing website, will not only allow the public to see proposed changes before they are adopted but will provide more project information, regular status updates, and the opportunity for the public to ask questions or provide comment on projects and changes.   

“We are thrilled to integrate EcoInteractive into our planning workflow for the Transportation Improvement Program,” said Rick Dunne, Executive Director of NVCOG. “We are taking a significant step towards increasing our efficiency and transparency. This partnership will strengthen our ability to better serve our communities.” 

MAP Forum Annual Meeting

The Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum announces its 2023 Annual Meeting on Friday December 1, 2023 at 10:00 am. This meeting will be hosted by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority as a webinar. The meeting can be accessed at and the meeting agenda appears below. To join the webinar by phone, dial 833 548 0276; meeting ID 995 1573 8980.


Learn more about the MAP Forum 

NVision50: Public Information Meeting for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan

On Thursday, February 16, the NVCOG is excited to introduce residents and stakeholders to NVision50, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Naugatuck Valley COG & Central Naugatuck Valley MPO. This plan establishes the vision for transportation in the region between now and 2050 and lays out strategies to achieve this vision.

Comments will be accepted on this plan between February 6, 2023, and March 17, 2023. The draft plan can be found on the NVCOG website here. Aside from this meeting, comments can be sent to

During this information meeting, NVCOG will provide an overview of the plan, answer questions, and accept comments and feedback. Attendees can join online via the link below or attend in person at the NVCOG office.

For additional information about attendance, please call the NVCOG at (203) 757-0535

Join Zoom Meeting

or dial in 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 858 2656 0616

Greater Waterbury Transit District Meeting

Regular quarterly meeting of the Greater Waterbury Transit District (GWTD). This meeting is open to the public, and the NVCOG encourages municipal staff and interested parties to attend. The meeting will also be recorded and made available on the NVCOG YouTube Page. The meeting agenda packet, which includes draft minutes from the June 14, 2023, meeting are attached below.

GWTD Meeting Agenda Packet – 09/20/2023

Meeting Recording – NVCOG YouTube Page

Meeting Minutes

MAP Forum – Metropolitan Mobility Network

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) and the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum announce the next meeting of the Metropolitan Mobility Network on Tuesday April 12, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.

The Metropolitan Mobility Network advises and informs NYMTC and the member organizations of the MAP Forum, a consortium of nine metropolitan planning organizations and councils of government in the multi-state metropolitan region surrounding New York City, on areas of Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) which are relevant to the metropolitan transportation planning process requirements.

The meeting will be available as a webinar using the following link:

Meeting Agenda