The public is invited to hear about and comment on the development of a multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) for the NVCOG Region at a virtual August 4th public information meeting at 6pm. At this public meeting, the project consultants will update the public on progress and present draft recommendations. Details about the project and a link to register for the virtual meeting can be found on the project webpage at .
NVCOG Staff and our consultant SLR (formerly Milone and MacBroom) have been working on a multijurisdictional Regional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) over the past year. The plan, funded with a grant from FEMA, will update municipal NHMPs and develop a consolidated multijurisdictional plan for the entire Naugatuck Valley planning region in compliance with FEMA standards and requirements that will serve as the approved NHMP for each NVCOG municipality. The draft 2021 NVCOG NHMP identifies natural hazards and risks, existing capabilities, and activities that can be undertaken by each community to prevent loss of life and reduce property damages associated with the identified hazards. Public safety and property loss reduction are the driving forces behind this plan.
The project team has worked with local coordinators (who served as local points of contact for the NHMP), municipal staff and stakeholders from each community to review previous plans and identify natural hazards and risks, existing capabilities, and activities that can be undertaken by a community to prevent loss of life and reduce property damages associated with the identified hazards. Information about natural hazards and potential mitigation measures was shared with the public through several municipal and public workshops and with an informational storymap. Input from municipal officials, stakeholders and the public has been incorporated into the draft report.
The draft report will be submitted first to CT DEMHS, then to FEMA for review and approval. Once approved, municipalities will adopt the plan individually, likely this fall.