The NVCOG has launched an updated series of webpages to help municipal staff navigate requirements and resources on stormwater management. Flooding due to runoff is one of the largest climate change impacts in Connecticut, and eighteen of the nineteen municipalities in our region are required to comply with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit.

This refreshed online hub has something new for all municipal staff working on MS4 requirements. Learn more about the webpages below.

Staff have also advocated with regulators to improve the MS4 permit, incorporated rain gardens and other green infrastructure into projects and worked directly with municipalities to bring them into compliance.

Properly managed stormwater can prevent property damage and injuries, pollution, and costly flood cleanups. Municipalities are encouraged to avail themselves of these updated resources.

Rain Garden adjacent to a permeable parking lot along Route 34 in Derby, CT. These are cost-efficient depressions in the landscape that typically include native plants or trees and a mulch layer or ground cover. This includes curb cuts for stormwater runoff.