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Issue Date: 03/09/2023

The Connecticut Department of Transportation welcomes the community to learn about the removal of the Exit 21 Off-Ramp on Interstate 84 Eastbound (EB) in Waterbury!

Join us!

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, from 6-8 PM 

Maloney Magnet School 

233 S Elm Street, Waterbury, CT 06706


Click here for more information: https://bit.ly/Exit21NoticeENG


Haga clic aqu para ms informacin: https://bit.ly/Exit21SPNotice

If information is needed in another language, please contact the CTDOT Title VI Specialist by phone at 860-594-2109.
Caso esta informação seja necessária em outro idioma, favor contar o Especialista em Título VI do CTDOT pelo fone 860-594-2109.
Si necesita información en otro lenguaje, favor contactar al especialista de CTDOT del Título VI al 860-594-2109.
如果您需要其他语言的信息,请联系康涅狄格州交通部(CTDOT)《民权法》第六章专职人员,电话 860-594-2109。
如果您需要其他语言的信息,请联系康涅狄格州交通部(CTDOT)《民權法》第六章專職人員,電話 860-594-2109。

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