NVCOG received a grant from the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection to fund a Regional Waste Authority study. This study will document existing waste management practices, facilities, and gaps in the region.
One potential outcome is the establishment of a Regional Waste Authority, which could encompass shared services & staff, collaborative purchasing, and regional programming. The grant would also cover the legal paperwork needed to either create a new authority or join an existing one

A consultant will perform the Regional Waste Authority Study. COG staff is undertaking a two-step procurement process to ensure the highest quality product at the best value. Below is an outline of the process with anticipated dates (note: subject to change).
The archived Request for Qualifications and Proposals is available here.
The group in charge of steering the RWA study is NVCOG’s Waste Committee. NVCOG Chairman Hess formed this group from interested chief elected officials of the full NVCOG Board. They meet on a monthly basis and oversee progress and decision-making of the grant.
Learn more about Committees & Commissions of the COG here.
- CT DEEP’s Regional Waste Authority Grant Program
- HRRA’s “Regional Waste Authorities 101” Slideshow
- CT General Statutes on RWAs: Sec 7-273aa
Staff Contact:
Christine O’Neill
Environmental Planner II