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Regional Vision Zero Action Plan

The NVCOG was awarded grant funds under the USDOT Safe Streets for All program to enhance our existing Regional Transportation Safety Plan into a full Regional Vision Zero Action Plan. This plan will take a data-driven approach to identify high-risk locations, develop conceptual improvements, and identify strategies to move the region’s transportation network closer to a safe-systems approach.   

As a region committed to eliminating serious injuries and deaths on our roadways (link to Vision Zero page), it is imperative that the region understand the safety issues that exist and actively plan for improvement. This study, undertaken with a grant awarded through the USDOT’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program, will do just that, using crash data, vulnerable roadway user exposure, and traffic volumes to identify the highest risk in the transportation network in the Naugatuck Valley, then develop concepts to mitigate these areas.

The final report, expected in early 2026, will include short- and long-term improvements, prioritize these projects, and include an implementation strategy to ensure these critical changes can happen as quickly as possible. The NVCOG’s Vision Zero Action Plan will also allow towns and cities across the region to be eligible for implementation funding under future SS4A or similar grant rounds.   

This project will deliver a final report including all of the following:  

  • High crash network – the locations within the region where the most serious injury and fatality causing crashes occur.  
  • High risk network – the corridors in the region where the risk of serious injury or fatality is the highest, based on exposure, traffic volumes, speeds, and existing safety infrastructure.  
  • Improvement Concepts – a list of proposed improvements that can either be implemented in specific locations or that may apply to roads all around the region.   

Public Involvement Process 

The NVCOG staff is currently crafting a public engagement plan that allows ample opportunities for meaningful feedback from a broad and diverse audience. 

Stakeholder Meetings 

The NVCOG will conduct a series of stakeholder meetings to receive input from residents. 

Upcoming Meetings 

As the project gets underway, the NVCOG and its consultant will host a series of public meetings around the region to get feedback from residents and travelers.  

Stay Updated on Social Media 

Stay up to date on the NVCOG website and its social media platforms, which include FacebookInstagram(Formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn. 

Links to project resources will be published as development progresses. 

Other Related Projects

Staff Contact 

Richard Donovan
Transportation Planning Director

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