Project Type: Clean-up and Assessment
Activities: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Hazardous Building Materials Assessment at former Jo-Vek portion. Clean-up funding awarded at Lots 10 and 11.
NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund Committee awarded the City of Waterbury $173,000 to continue project work at Waterbury Industrial Commons (WIC). WIC is a testament to the City of Waterbury’s commitment to supporting advanced manufacturing and well-paying jobs in the region. The undertaking has leveraged tens of millions from the Department of Defense and private investment.
An NVCOG EPA Revolving Loan Fund grant targeted cleanup of contaminated soils. NVCOG conducted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment at the former Jo-Vek portion of the Waterbury Industrial Commons Campus.
Project Status: Lot 10 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment in draft. Remediation funding awarded – development of subaward agreement between NVCOG and Waterbury Development Corporation in progress.