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909 Bank Street, Waterbury

Project Type: (Completed) Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation

Activities: The Brooklyn neighborhood of Waterbury celebrated the opening of a new park in 2022. Click here to learn more.

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments conducted an environmental assessment in order to facilitate potential site transfer of the former vacant property. Assessment work was funded by EPA petroleum funds through NVCOG’s FY2016 EPA Assessment grant, as approved by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and by U.S. EPA Region 1.

Upon completion of the assessment activities on site, the City of Waterbury was granted a $220,000 sub-awarded through NVCOG’s Revolving Loan Fund for remedial activities throughout the site. Remedial Activities were completed late 2020 with the Connecticut Department of Energy Environmental Protection providing a Voluntary Remediation Verification for the Site. The City of Waterbury has developed the site into a neighborhood “pocket” park. 

Project Status: Completed and open for use.